Declaring the income of the population: The STI announces the start next week


As reported by the portal by Stasė Aliukonytė-Šnirienė, Director of the Department of Tax Obligations of CTI, more than 97% of the population has already provided data on income and expenses. Third sources.

“However, the data of 2.5 thousand. Of those who did not present them and almost 1 thousand. Taxpayers who have presented data on benefits paid to residents must adjust them according to the notifications of errors received from the STI. The data Accuracies are very important to ensure a smooth filing process, ”commented the department director.

According to her, like every year, at the end of February, the STI carries out an intense migration of data to the EDS system; one part of the data has already been transferred, the other part is still traveling or is being corrected according to STI notifications on identified errors. We will inform the public about the information fully prepared for the declaration.

This year, the declaration is scheduled for May 3. (Monday).


This year, we will report income with the help of the now familiar filing assistant, which has simplified the filing process – more than 86 percent. Last year, 71 percent of the population declared their income completely independently and 71 percent. appreciated this innovation excellently.

For residents who do not have the opportunity to do so by email. STI consultants will assist by calling the 1882 Tax Information phone number or other additional phone numbers posted on the STI website.

Wizard to complete the expense report

Based on this principle, this year we introduced a new assistant to complete the expense statement, thanks to which residents have until February 15th. reported expenses (PRC912) for them in 2020. provided housing, auto repair, or childcare services for minors.

The Expense Report Wizard also works with questions and answers, and the data provided will be transferred to your income tax returns, so you no longer need to enter it on your tax return.

New EDS reports section

Enhanced EDS functionality: An additional “Reports” section has been created to provide access to these reports.

Monthly and annual report of income tax return: the report is intended for the data of the monthly income tax returns (form GPM313; hereinafter, GPM313 return) and annual return of personal benefits paid to income of class A and B (form GPM312; hereinafter, declaration GPM312) for the respective calendar year generate.

The GPM312 return is automatically compared to the GPM313 returns valid for the same tax period. In the event of discrepancies, information is provided on the discrepancies between taxable income and personal income tax (hereinafter, PIT). This report will make it easier for accountants and business leaders to find discrepancies.

Report of statements and files submitted. The report is used to view the lists of submitted returns and return files.

The following will be published in the near future: Unsubmitted / Unspecified Statements Report – The report is intended for the population to review on a mandatory but not submitted or submitted with errors but unspecified statements. For the convenience of residents, the report will also be available on the income tax return provided by the assistant (GPM311).

Data provided by carrier platforms

Since 2020, the organizers of passenger transport – transport platforms, are authorized to provide the tax administrator with data on the carriers who use their services and the income they receive from the transport of passengers in cars.

Based on these data, the STI transported in mid-March will supplement the preliminary income declarations for 2020, and until then, residents carrying out individual activities can declare income according to the available accounting data.

More benefits for students

The restriction on exemption for first higher education qualifications or first professional qualifications has been removed. The tax credit will apply regardless of whether the resident paid for tuition or vocational training. Students will be able to take advantage of this benefit by completing this year’s 2020 income tax form.

Currently, the STI processes data and prepares preliminary statements for the population, so we will be able to provide accurate data after announcing the start of the statement. For 2019 1.37 million population, for 2018 – 1.41 million population, for 2017 – 1.44 million population.

2019 GPM benefits were used by: • For life insurance premiums – 273 thousand. population. • For tuition fees – 45.7 thousand. population. • For mortgage interest paid – 52.8 thousand. population. • For contributions to pension funds – 35 thousand. population. • For study credit repaid: 15.6 thousand. population. • For automobile repair services: 14.4 thousand. population. • For babysitting services – 377 inhabitants. • For repair of buildings, structures, finishing services (except renovation) – 7 thousand. population.

Total for 2019 848 thousand declared population 185 million reimbursable. amount of the GPM overpayment for 2018. 733 thousand population declared a return of 117 million. amount of GPM, and for 2017 – 837 thousand. population of over 135 million. EUR amount. Note that the GPM amount to be reimbursed consists of the GPM overpayment for benefits and the full use of the NPD due during the year.


The amount of non-taxable income (NPD) is the amount for which wages are not subject to GPM. The NPD depends on the income obtained by the resident, in general terms; the more the resident earns, the lower the NPD that is applied to him. Currently, if a resident earns € 2,712.26 (“on paper”) per month. and more: the NPD does not belong and the GPM has to be paid from the first euro.

According to STI data, about 62 thousand. Residents who filed prior year income statements (for 2016-2018) could recover about 8.3 million. euros. Note that a resident can recoup the GPM overpayment for 5 years.

Before requesting the employer to apply for the NPD, the resident must assess whether he will not receive other income during the year: rent, individual activity or other income, if he will not work in additional jobs and the like. Exceeding the annual income threshold covered by the NPD (2020: € 32547.16 before taxes) results in a decrease in the amount of NPD due to the amount of income tax payable per capita and the obligation to declare income annual and pay taxes.


By 2019, 355 thousand population declared payable 192 million. the amount of personal income tax (PIT) for 2018. 402 thousand declared population over 178 million. for the 2017 PIT. 331 thousand population – more than 139 million. EUR GPM to pay.

GPM is not a premium

According to STI data, a total of 115 thousand. The population has not paid 39.4 million. of which for 2019. 74 thousand The population has not paid 8 million. income tax.

The STI informs residents about the debt through personal letters. Residents experiencing financial difficulties are invited to apply to STI and enter into a fiscal loan agreement, which would allow debt to be paid in installments at a convenient time. If after the reminder the person continues to pay the debt and does not request a fiscal loan from the STI, the STI, in accordance with the legal acts, will cancel the debt and the accrued interest on the funds in the credit accounts. institutions.

The STI points out that due to the pandemic, the STI applies fiscal assistance measures: to the autonomous population included in the list of victims of COVID-19, and to the population that does not pay any activity tax, which has emerged since 2020. 16 March without recovery action and non-recovery interest.


Last year, the STI sent about 15,000. reminders to taxpayers of non-returns and unpaid GPM taxes.

Administrative liability may be imposed for late submission or failure to submit statements or other documents in accordance with the provisions of the legal acts. Taking into account the situation in the state, at the beginning of the first quarantine period (from March 16, 2020), the application of administrative responsibility was suspended, but during 2020 1.5 thousand people were registered. Administrative resolutions / protocols for minor offenses for not submitting property and / or income declarations. GPM Postponement Due to COVID-19

For freelancers who are included in the list of victims of COVID-19 prepared by the STI and who do not carry out any activity until June 30. there are tax relief measures: to date, tax arrears incurred as of January 1. Until April 30. no interest will be charged and no recovery actions will be initiated. If the population affected by the pandemic cannot pay the taxes incurred, before April 30. they can apply to the STI for an interest-free tax loan contract.

People who are not included in the list of victims and who are also experiencing financial difficulties due to a pandemic can apply for tax assistance measures through My STI. If the resident’s activity has not been included on the NACE restricted activities list and the resident has not been included on the victim list, but does not have the opportunity to pay taxes on time, they can apply to STI and process the tax. arrears in installments at a convenient time.


The most common errors that require a return adjustment are: • not all income from individual activities is reported; • residents forget to report real estate rental income received from an apartment, house, or rented land; • declare tuition fees even if they have already been declared by another family member; • Life insurance costs are reported when the beneficiaries are adult children, grandchildren, or other people. Only contributors may declare and when the beneficiaries are the contributors themselves or their spouses, or their minor children (adopted children, guardians); • reports life insurance benefits to non-taxable income, although it is often taxable, and so on. • Residents report expenses not only for auto and home repair services rendered, but also for goods.
