British variant of COVID-19 in Vilkaviškis: all six cases are related to an outbreak at a local hospital


11 cases found

It was announced Wednesday night that 96 samples had been analyzed in the last week, and today 11 samples have been found to have a mutation in the virus. The results of the sequencing investigation were obtained by the Kaunas Clinical Laboratory of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU).

It turned out that 6 samples with the British strain of coronavirus “came” from Vilkaviškis, 4 – from Kaunas and 1 – from Marijampolė.

In total, there are already 12 known cases in the country where people have been infected with the British strain of the virus. The first patient is fine now.

SAM also reports that a total of 284 samples were analyzed this week.

Kaunas Clinics has already examined the 96 mentioned above, another 188 samples are being analyzed by the laboratory of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

Results from this foreign laboratory are expected in the near future.

This data worries professionals. As the man said. country’s epidemiologist Loreta Ašoklienė, “the sign is sad and bad”.

LSMU Kaunas Clinics Director General Qualified Medical Professor Renaldas Jurkevičius stated that the British version of COVID-19 was also expected to be fixed in Lithuania.

A retrospective study is carried out

How 15 minutes NVSC representative Justina Petravičienė said, currently specialists are conducting the research retrospectively:

“Now, as usual, as we did when the first mutation was detected, our specialists are retrospectively conducting additional epidemiological investigations and trying to identify not only high-risk exposure, as we do with routine screening, but also low-risk people with those infected people.

Such actions of the NVSC, since the information was received yesterday, have only begun to work with specialists in those cases.

Specialists conduct additional epidemiological investigations and try to identify not only high-risk exposures, but also people with low-risk exposures.

According to J.Petravičienė, it is important that all these cases, which turned out to have a mutation, have already been investigated epidemiologically.

“Sometimes we don’t have time to investigate due to certain circumstances; objective reasons make it impossible to contact people, but all contacts have already been established here. Now, low-risk exposure is also seen retrospectively,” said a representative from the NVSC.

Residents of nursing homes got infected

Most cases of the British variety are now detected in samples from Vilkaviškis.

J.Petravičienė stated that according to currently available data, the six cases in this city are related to the outbreak at a local hospital. In Kaunas, two people are from social care homes, one case imported from Sweden.

Whether there could have been more cases of the British strain in the hospital could have been told by sequencing those cases.

This information will be updated when NVSC specialists complete their investigation.

As announced by the mayor of the Vilkaviškis district, Algirdas Neiberka on Facebook, on February 24. According to the data, 7 new cases of COVID-19 were registered in the Vilkaviškis district on the last day.

A total of 143 patients are included in the Vilkaviškis district. 10 residents of the district recovered on Tuesday.

The Vilkaviškis district is still in the red zone.

According to the 14. morbidity 100 thousand. the population district indicator reaches 222.1 / 100 thousand. population., in Lithuania – 247/100 thousand. population.
