Outbreak of British strain Covid-19 in Vilkaviškis: even low-risk contacts are isolated


According to NVSC representative Justina Petravičienė, the outbreak of the British strain Covis-19 occurred at Vilkaviškis Hospital.

“Six cases are related to the outbreak at Vilkaviškis Hospital. 3 cases were registered in Kaunas County, of which 2 cases were registered in a nursing home and 1 case was imported. We were unable to determine the circumstances of a person’s infection in a case in Marijampolė; this case is related to an outbreak in a preschool educational institution, ”says J. Petravičienė.

According to her, although epidemiological diagnoses of all these individuals have already been made and all high-risk people have been isolated, now an attempt is being made to trace low-risk contacts.

“Currently, our specialists are still retrospectively reviewing these cases and re-performing epidemiological diagnoses, identifying those who have been at low risk,” says a representative from the NVSC.

Lithuanian scientists have developed a method that can cut Covid-19 research in half

The news portal tv3.lt recalls that about 11 cases of the British strain Covid-19 were announced on Wednesday.

In total, there are already 12 known cases in the country where people have been infected with the British strain of the virus. The first patient is fine now.

SAM also reports that a total of 284 samples were analyzed this week. Kaunas Clinics has already examined the 96 samples mentioned above, another 188 samples are being analyzed by the reference laboratory of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

Results from this foreign laboratory are expected in the near future.

The director of the Kaunas clinics does not hide his concern about the British variety

Professor Renaldas Jurkevičius, CEO of LSMU Kaunas Clinics, does not hide that the spread of the British strain of coronavirus in Lithuania is worrisome and may change both the morbidity situation and the quarantine release plans.

“We lived in a pandemic for a year. We were probably all waiting for us to breathe better, but … now we have what we have,” Professor R. Jurkevičius told the tv3.lt news portal, noting that with the spread the British variety, everyone will need to get together.

“For the third week in a row, the Kaunas clinics have been participating in the sequencing of the virus genomes. Recently today, a message was received from the lab that 85 cases of successfully sequenced genomes had been studied, 11 of the so-called British strains. So far, we only know that and explain it.

The situation has been referred to the National Public Health Laboratory, which will probably continue to contact the National Center for Public Health. In the future, they will examine those cases, see what condition and so on, ”says the director of the Kaunas clinics.

According to the director, during the sequencing of the virus, the laboratory does not know the history of the patients and their condition.

13 per cent a British strain was identified from the cases studied

During the last week, 96 samples were analyzed in the laboratory of the Kaunas Clinics of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU), 85 cases were successful and 11 of them mutated today.

On Wednesday, it turned out that 6 samples with the British strain of coronavirus “arrived” from the Vilkaviškis Hospital, 4 – from the Kaunas county mobile point and 1 – from the Marijampolė county mobile point.

“It just came to our notice then. (Investigated cases – aut. Past). {…} We saw that last week 8 per cent. Sequenced cases in Latvia were the British option. It was probably only a matter of time before that we also find it in Lithuania ”, says the director of the Kaunas clinics.

In total, there are already 12 known cases in the country where people have been infected with the British strain of the virus. The first patient is fine now.

Director: “Understood why the government does not release quarantine”

R. Jurkevičius, managing director of LSMU Kaunas Clinics, does not rule out that the spread of the British coronavirus strain in Lithuania could change both the morbidity situation and the quarantine release plans.

“We just learned then that the government should not release the quarantine. One reason is that we all fear that more widespread British version.

In Vilkaviškis Hospital, 6 boxes are basically a fireplace. We understand that all doctors are vaccinated, these are the foci as they should not be, but there are. This may be one of the reasons why it may be an easier and faster recreation option.

Understandably, if it is a virus that spreads more easily, it means that more people can get infected more easily. If more people get sick, some of them end up in hospitals, there are more.

So we kept a large reserve of free beds in the hospital, openings in intensive care, which is due to the possible British variety. For that we are prepared in these cases.

The strict quarantine measures, in my opinion, have paid off and stopped the spread of this virus in Lithuania, ”said Professor R. Jurkevičius.

Expect results from a foreign lab in the near future

SAM also reports that a total of 284 samples were analyzed this week. Kaunas Clinics has already examined the 96 samples mentioned above, another 188 samples are being analyzed by the reference laboratory of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. Results from this foreign laboratory are expected in the near future.

We remind you that in order to monitor the diversity, prevalence and changes in the genome of the COVID-19 strains found in Lithuania, the coronavirus genome sequencing process has been launched at the national level. These tests will be initiated with the help of national laboratories equipped to carry out the tests.

The National Public Health Laboratory (NSAID) is responsible for organizing and coordinating the large-scale coronavirus genome sequencing process.

On December 19 last year, UK officials confirmed that a new strain of coronavirus found in the country could spread more rapidly. According to Boris Johnson, the country’s prime minister, the new strain of the virus could be 70 percent. more contagious.

In January, Johnson reported that there was “some evidence” that a new strain of coronavirus was not only more contagious, but also led to higher mortality.
