To be or not to be a national stadium in Vilnius: the court resumed the proceedings on the merits


The Lithuanian Court of Appeal decided to reopen the proceedings on the merits. The next hearing in the case on the written appeal procedure is scheduled for 2021. March 29 9 pm

“Once the data of the case has been evaluated, the panel of judges concludes that there are contradictory data in the case, the existence of which does not allow a lawful and motivated decision. In the opinion of the panel of judges, taking into account the abundance of data in the case and the public interest, it is appropriate to grant the parties the right to submit additional explanations in writing about the contradiction of the data of the case in the case.

The panel of judges, after evaluating the data of the case, concludes that there are contradictory data in the case, so it is not possible to make a lawful and motivated decision.

In view of the abundance of legal evidence and evidence that must be examined and evaluated on appeal, the complexity of the issues raised in the pleadings, the panel of judges decides that an adequate and reasoned decision and, objectively, the removal of objections is base. for reopening the merits process and giving the parties the opportunity to present written explanations, ”the court’s press release reads.

Guilt and LVŽS

Last May, the mayor of Vilnius, Remigijus Šimašius, announced that the then Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania had killed the national stadium. The mayor reached this conclusion after receiving a letter from the Public Procurement Office (VPN) ordering the municipality to rescind the 156 million. Tender in euros for the construction and concession of the National Stadium.

In March, the VPN did not allow the signing of the concession contract, the signature was suspended at the request of the Financial Crimes Service (FNTT) and the Attorney General’s Office. Law enforcement agencies sought to determine whether the increase in the value of the concession after the negotiations was reasonable and lawful.

And in May, the VPN announced that the concession contract had to separate state and municipal risks, but all risks changed after the change in the project’s financing model, so the contracts envisaged with Axis industries cannot be considered a concession contract.

This was the beginning of the story in the courts – in the ordinary history of the courts, because up to that point the courts had decided whether the winner of this project had been legally chosen, this was denounced by another company that participated in the contest.

P. Poderskis believes in the project

Povilas Poderskis, director of the Vilnius municipality administration, told News Radio on Wednesday that the amount of funds provided for the stadium is not the highest and corresponds to the price of such stadiums.

“It may be the last in Lithuania, still waiting for that project, but I still am. Because when we started working, we also considered, looked at that project, asked the same questions that its critics are now asking. And we decided it was a good project. and needed support.

There were two lengthy trials, there were many negotiations, all kinds of political attempts on that project, there was government interference. Even joking that the architects of this project were flying partners in London and their plane had to land in Warsaw, there were some kind of glitches here because they were flying on stadium business. Building a stadium there is something of a curse, “said P. Poderskis on Knowledge Radio.

According to him, there are many doubts about the amount, its components, but if the court says that the VPN was wrong, the municipality will be able to sign a contract and the stadium will be.

Won Axis Industries

Axis Industries, an Icor company, won the tender to build a multifunctional center, and the Vilnius city municipality planned to sign an agreement with it and project financier BaltCap in March last year. This was supported by both the municipal council and the government.

Complex with 15 thousand. construction of the stadium and other facilities should cost around 93 million. However, the payments over 25 years would have paid almost 156 million euros to the BaltCap Fund. euros.

The government’s share, according to the draft contract, would have been approximately $ 54.5 million. 101.5 million euros, municipalities. euros.

In addition to the stadium, it is planned to build an athletics stadium, a sports complex with gymnastics, handball, volleyball, boxing, basketball courts, a community and cultural educational center with a library, a 300-seat kindergarten and a sports museum.
