Person in charge of the institution that vaccinated the elderly in the field: we cannot rule out that those vaccinated became ill due to a mutation in the virus


The NVSC recently said that it was investigating why residents of nursing homes in the Taurage district were infected with the coronavirus if 14 of them were vaccinated with not only the first but also the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Center was concerned that 13 people would have been vaccinated at the same time, so the lack of immunity for this number of people raises legitimate questions that need to be answered when evaluating the proven efficacy of the vaccine.

But who can give the answer?

On Wednesday evening, Professor Vytautas Kasiulevičius wrote on Facebook that in this case, all patients should take an immediate test for IgG class antibodies against the S1 domain of the Sars-CoV-2 protein before it forms. natural form.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Vakcina

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Vakcina

Justina Petravičienė, NVSC spokesperson 15 minutes He stated that specialists from the NVSC’s Taurage Department have already recommended to the residence the performance of serological tests for IgG SARS-CoV-2 to the residents of the residence according to the algorithm of isolation of people with possible Covid-19 immunity to assess the immune status of vaccinated people.

It was unable to answer the question of which versions the Center was investigating, claiming that an investigation was underway and could not provide further information.

According to J. Petravičienė, the residents of the nursing home were vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

A study in Israel, the results of which were recently published by the country’s Ministry of Health, showed that two weeks after the second dose, the vaccine is 95.8% effective.

Residents of nursing homes were vaccinated on February 10.

J.Černeckienė: please understand

J.Černeckienė, director of the Lauksargiai nursing home, on Thursday 15 minutes he said he could not comment on how the vaccinated ancestors might have been contracted.

“We just want to live this period in a beautiful, safe and peaceful way. I ask for everyone’s understanding to allow us to live this period in a beautiful and peaceful way, “he said.

When asked if the nursing home had already conducted immunization tests for those infected, the head of the nursing home said that whatever the NVSC would recommend would be done.

What they recommend, we follow their recommendations and we certainly will.

“What they recommend, we follow their recommendations and we will definitely do it,” he said.

When asked if he had any suspicions about what might have happened, J. Černeckienė said he could not comment on it.

“We only get vaccinated as we belong, according to the scheme as we belong (…) We all work our work responsibly and I believe that all professionals of all professions know how to work, are competent and here there are no comments or questions ”, He was asked if the vaccination process itself had been monitored in the nursing home.

D.Petrošius: people could have been infected before the second dose

Donatas Petrošius, director of the Tauragė District Primary Health Care Center (PSPC), who organized vaccination at the care institution 15 minutes It said on Thursday that the center had delivered the vaccine from Klaipeda University Hospital, which was done in compliance with all requirements.

“In cold bags, from minus 2 to 8 degrees, everything is required. They took him to the Lauksargiai residence and vaccinated him according to the instructions,” he emphasized.

D. Petrošius emphasized that there is information that the disease can occur after vaccination, people can be carriers of the virus, but do not feel the symptoms on their own.

“Reuters” / “Scanpix” nuotr./ “Pfizer” vakcina

However, he stressed that in any case, those vaccinated are protected from hospitalization and death.

According to D. Petrošius, an unvaccinated person was recently admitted to a nursing home, so he assumed that it could have happened and that the people were infected before the second dose.

“Enough antibodies are already formed after the first dose, which alleviates the symptoms of the disease,” he stressed.

According to the interlocutor, the symptoms of the patients are mild.

He stressed that it takes about two weeks for immunity to develop after the second dose, and that the disease was diagnosed 9 days after vaccination.

“It is difficult to know if the answer was really complete when the virus came from somewhere. The immunological properties of each person are different,” said D. Petrošius.

And one more thing: mutations. It could be British, we don’t know.

“It just came to our attention then. It could be British, we don’t know. Because Pfizer was created when there were more Spanish viruses. This is the kind of uncertainty here …” he said.

“You have to make sure what happened; maybe there could have been logistical errors (during transport, aut.) To Klaipeda University Hospital. It could have been, so we don’t know. And antibody tests should be done to show the amount Then look what they have, “said D. Petrošius.

He said that people’s immunity was tested before vaccination and 1 or 2 people had antibodies, everyone else did not.

So according to him, if a quantitative test for antibodies shows that they are present, it will mean that everything is fine with the vaccine.

According to the interviewee, it could not have happened that an underdose of the vaccine was injected because it was calculated very precisely.

“For us, everything was done as it should,” he stressed.
