Vilnius is among the 25 most promising cities in the world – the only one in the Northern European region.


The ranking of the Lithuanian capital in the highest league of international cities has been growing steadily in recent years. Even in the challenges of the pandemic and the uncertainty of Brexit, Vilnius was able to see opportunities and not slow down by promoting business development and maintaining the image of an open city, the media said.

Strengthening international positions helps Vilnius increasingly attract the attention of foreign investors, which means more high-paying jobs, more taxes collected, and more and better services for Vilnius residents.

Inga Romanovskienė, director of the Vilnius city business and tourism agency Go Vilnius, warns that Vilnius is increasingly being talked about as an open and hospitable city with many talented and hardworking people, helping to attract companies and talents foreign.

“Vilnius is experiencing an increase in both international companies and talented specialists from abroad who choose this city for its hospitality, open and creative atmosphere. Our task is to continue working to ensure that the experience of foreigners in Vilnius from arrival to integration be fluent and good, and that even more specialists and high-level companies would like to come to the city, creating both high value-added products and jobs. We are confident that Vilnius can establish itself in the positions of promising cities of international level. for a long time, ”says I. Romanovskienė.

In the fDi Intelligence ranking of small and medium-sized cities, Vilnius has climbed four places and is third, beating cities such as Rotterdam, Luxembourg and Edinburgh. In the previous analogous ranking, which was compiled in 2018-2019, the Lithuanian capital was ranked seventh in this category. In the cost efficiency category, Vilnius rose to first place from the second previously held, in the business friendliness category, to second from sixth, and in the human capital and lifestyle category, to sixth from the nineth.

The world ranking of the cities of the future by fDi Intelligence experts is compiled every few years in order to reveal the world’s most promising places for investment and business development. Cities are ranked by analyzing their economic, financial and commercial strengths. In addition to the general ranking, cities are classified into six categories: economic potential, profitability, communications, foreign investment strategy, human capital and lifestyle, ease of business.

Vilnius is among the 25 most promising cities in the world - the only one in the Northern European region.

© Go to Vilnius

Vilnius is among the 25 most promising cities in the world - the only one in the Northern European region.

© Go to Vilnius

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