Colleagues remember A. Vozbin: a painter who loved life in every way Culture


R.Bartkevičius: “In his paintings there was both love and joy, everything that is characteristic of a person”

Painter, colleague and study friend Ričardas Bartkevičius 15 minutes He said: “It is very difficult to describe A. Vozbinas in one word. He was active, simple, he loved life. He really wasn’t arrogant. “

According to R.Bartkevičius, A.Vozbinas constantly painted and organized events. “At that time he was working at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, so I invited him to teach together. Here he worked, if I’m not mistaken, maybe 10 years. Because he felt he knew what he was talking about, he had experience, he impressed young people. Probably, and his life was not easy. He joined the Academy of Arts a little later, after the army, “he said.

According to R. Bartkevičius, A. Vozbinas created his way of representing, plots, themes. He was also very interested in history, the narratives of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

“He dominated the brush, the color to perfection. He lived there, “said R. Bartkevičius.

A.Vozbinas together with R.Bartkevičius studied, worked and traveled together. During the conversation, he recalled the days of his youth, when under difficult conditions he had to transport his exhibitions abroad “with all the paintings on his back.”

“It is true that he loved to swim. A. Wozbin had a habit of doing it in the strangest places. I remember transporting our exhibition around Naples by car. There was already a theme there, but we still stopped at some rocks. Last year we were in the open air in Belarus, on a beautiful farm in Oginskis. He still cared about taking the bath on the twelfth or first night. He was a true lover of nature ”, he recalled.

Teacher. Antanas Andrijauskas: “A.Vozbinas is one of the most rebellious figures in our art”

Aleksandras Vozbinas is one of the most rebellious and revolutionary figures in the history of Lithuanian art. He always tried to change, to evolve, that’s why he worked hard, he manifested himself in various fields. This is why his work is so versatile. This is what I associate with his extraordinary energetic power and naturalness, his personal and unique view of the world and his individualistic perception of the truth.

In his work, A. Vozbinas notes above all his special poetics, which comes from one of the most important representatives of the Vilnius School of Drawing, a brilliant Litvak artist who lived and worked in Paris, Chaim Sutin. This artist had an extremely important meaning for A. Vozbinas’ sense of plasticity, color, shape and tragedy of the world perception. Perhaps this is why Alexander paid a lot of attention to preparing international plein airs for this particular artist, consolidating contemporary creators to whom this tragic modernist artist had a close spirit.

Looking at the legacy of A. Vozbinas, it is surprising the abundance and variety of springs that fed his work. Probably one of the most important themes here was the mysterious poetics of Vilnius Old Town. And next to him, his extraordinary landscapes, in which impressive colors and freshness stand out. He loved to paint the landscapes of Dzūkija, the surroundings of Druskininkai. The world of rivers, lakes and forests was close to him. Maybe that’s why he spent a lot of time in nature, trying to charge it with energy. Contact with the natural world in his work was probably the most important source that fueled his work.

The artist was greatly influenced by delving into the history of civilization and the world of books, and in recent decades, going back to the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania has been especially important.

The artist stood out from his surroundings for his broad vision of humanitarian culture and his ability to see things invisible to others. It is likely that he inherited this ability from his teacher, the philosopher Justinas Mikutis.

Alexander Vozbin, as if feeling a quick exit, was in a hurry to release an album of his works called “Painting”. It is a very unusual, provocative, eccentric work, as is the life of the artist and all his work. It is a unique document of his time, a perfect illustration of the exceptional personality that he was.

We are left with a large-scale creator, an important figure who carved a very brilliant mark on Lithuanian painting. Its scale was particularly evident in recent retrospective exhibitions, which were simply impossible to miss.

R.Savickas: “The world famous artist Ch.Sutin returned to Lithuania”

“We were very close. We visited each other’s studio,” said Raimundas Savickas, a colleague and friend of the painter. He saw A. Vozbina for the last time at the opening of his daughter’s exhibition in early September, and then went to the House of International Artists in Paris “When he came back, he just called me,” he recalled.

A. Vozbinas is a very responsible man, a great Lithuanian patriot.

R. Savickas pointed out that A. Vozbinas is a very responsible person, a great Lithuanian patriot. “It was very interesting to talk to him, he could tell it in detail, reminding the characters about the history of Lithuania.”

His paintings are also characterized by the grotesque, irony, women, he painted landscapes to perfection.

“In the first place, A. Vozbinas is a student of my father Augustinas Savickas. This is how our friendship was born, because the father loved his students very much. The connection was mutual: he would take them to the studio, he would communicate. After one such excursion, I got acquainted with A. Vozbinas and others, for example, Audrius Gražis, Gintaras Palemonas Janonis, Ričardas Bartkevičius. This is one of the last courses, by the way, very strong, “he said.

After founding the gallery in 1994, I organized the exhibition “Augustinas Savickas and Students”. And among them was A. Vozbinas, who was already one of the most brilliant artists of that time. We continue our friendship, we communicate during plein airs and through the gallery.

For example, we went to a plein air in Belarus organized on the occasion of Mark Chagall’s anniversary. Another prominent Litvak Chaim Sutin also lived there, whose birthplace we also visited. Later, I had the idea to honor Ch.Sutin in Lithuania and it was A. Vozbinas who took all these activities, he was the organizer of many plein airs. He returned world-famous artist Ch.Sutin to Lithuania, “he said.


Alexander Wozbin was born in 1958. March 4 in Vilnius.

one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two He entered the State Art Institute, where he studied painting. Graduated in 1988. Studied by prof. In the studio of Augustinas Savickas.

Since 1990 Member of the Union of Artists of Lithuania (elected to the LDS Council since 1997).

The artist has participated in more than 300 different exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad. The number of exhibitions by authors exceeds 30.

The works have been acquired by: Lithuanian Art Museum, Lithuanian Art Foundation, Vilnius City. Municipality, M. Mažvydas National Library, Sharjah Museum of Art.
