It is proposed to extend the quarantine and change the requirements for the use of masks.


Medical mask. Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

The Government Council of Experts proposes to extend the quarantine, to allow only medical masks or respirators, but not shields or cloth masks. At the same time, the relaxation of the masks used in the field begins.

The text was supplemented with comments on the conditions to extend the quarantine regime, as well as on the use of mask replacements.

A meeting of the Council of Experts on the eve of the quarantine regime was announced on Tuesday. The experts are making several proposals for the government meeting on Wednesday.

The new term will be set by the Government

In the first place, due to the extension of the quarantine, which expires this Sunday.

“As a measure, the quarantine must, of course, be extended. We make a proposal of this type to the Government and it will consider it. The government is left to decide on a specific timeframe. We believe that the extension should definitely not be for a week or two, but for a longer term ”, said Vaidotas Grigas, member of the Council of Experts and director of the public institution Molėtai Hospital.

According to him, this was decided against the fact that the number of new cases detected per day is no longer decreasing and is even showing signs of increasing: “This is certainly not the third wave that has been issued, but it is concerning. “

According to V. Grigo, although the situation has improved significantly, the number of both cases and hospitalizations has stopped decreasing.

The government will consider at Wednesday’s meeting how long to extend the quarantine. According to unofficial information, several possible dates are being considered, until March 28 or until the Easter period, that is, until April 6 and 7.

According to V. Grigo, the recommendation provided by the experts includes the main provision to continue the quarantine, but its conditions can be further relaxed. The most important thing, according to the expert, is simply not to risk the immediate release of all or most of the restrictions.

“Every week there are discussions in different sectors, that I know, there will be communication with the cultural sector this week. The Council of Experts is constantly reviewing and revising and making proposals to the Government on how to apply the measures and which ones to facilitate them ”, he stated.

Ask not to allow cloth masks

Experts also suggested that the government only allow the use of medical masks, while easing the requirements for wearing them outdoors.

“We propose to change the regulation of masks for outdoor use: approve the wording that masks should be used in open spaces only when there are other people nearby, except family members, relatives and relatives at a distance of 2 m”, Lithuania said in a press conference Professor Mindaugas Stankūnas, Department of Health Management, University of Health Sciences.

Experts also suggest that only medical masks should be worn: “Other facial alternatives, such as scarves, shields, should be abandoned, and medical masks or respirators should be worn.”

Stankūnas added that experts suggest that this ban be mandatory.

If the Government accepts this proposal, it would not be possible to use shields, cloth masks and other substitutes for medical masks or respirators in public.

“We believe they are ineffective. This is shown by studies and our consultations with other experts who are well aware of the physical properties of all these media,” said M. Stankūnas.

According to him, it is also being discussed that respirators would be mandatory in certain cases, especially in the provision of close contact services. However, he stressed that this aspect will still be discussed.

There were no exceptions

The experts made no exceptions for the use of cloth shields or masks. According to experts, masks should be mandatory and, for example, on television shows, because, according to M. Stankūnas, this “would be a nice message for people” about the mandatory use of masks.

“The panels that are used now seem to presuppose the idea that they are also effective and can be used. So I think such a unified behavior due to the use of medical masks or respirators would be a stronger sign, “he said.

According to the expert, it is also discussed that respirators would be mandatory in certain cases, especially in the case of close contact services. However, this aspect will continue to be discussed for a week or two.

At present, nasal and oral protective equipment is mandatory in all public places for people over six years of age. These can be masks, respirators, or other means. Exceptions apply for the disabled, athletes, or outside residential areas.

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