CoInvest Capital invests EUR 100,000 in Contribee


Aware: 2021-02-23 12:17

Collaborating team. Company photo

The venture capital fund CoInvest Capital, together with business angels, has invested in Lithuania for which the Contribee focused support platform. The implementation of the 100,000 euro investment plans to use it for development in other countries and increase the visibility of the product.

The Contribee platform created by the start-up allows content collectors, companies and organizations to broadcast on the Internet, communicate with their followers, collect support and sell virtual peripherals in one go.

During a pandemic, circumstances demand ways not only to communicate, but also to work remotely, leading to a growing number of content providers and subscribers around the world. We rely on the platform model developed by Contribee, because the founders already have a successful product, they have a growing offering and subscriber base, and the platform can be easily adapted to the foreign market. We hope our investment will help them grow and expand the geography of service delivery, says Viktorija Vaitkeviien, Director of CoInvest Capital.

On the Contribee platform, content collectors or organizations can create their own account and individual support collection model for free, and content subscribers can monitor support videos and collections. Unlike Patreon, Contribee does not charge for additional collections. The platform administration fee is borne by the subscribers content.

When creating Contribee, we interacted a lot with content collectors in various fields and decided not to charge more for collections. Krji uses all the functions of the platform for free and can generate unlimited income. The income received by subscribers is transferred directly to your account. In the near future, we will add the functionality of the platform to the integration of the electronic store, so that the collection can work not only for subscriptions, but also for the sale of various attributes, the report quotes Gediminas Ratkeviius, manager of Contribee. .

The Contribee platform became operational in 2020. In September, it attracted more than 200 content and more than 2000 subscribers in Lithuania. The start-up team predicts that the investment attracted will help increase the number of books registered on the platform to 1,000 per year and expand the activities of two more foreign countries.

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