State Forest Enterprise for 2.5 million. bought 120 SUVs in Business


Last week, the SFE signed agreements with two companies that were awarded the tender, the Sostena company for 1.8 million. will sell 94 small SUVs and Mototoja will sell LTL 667.6 thousand. 26 compact and midsize SUVs. Suppliers must deliver the cars within eight months.

According to the communication director of SFE, Sandra Trinkūnaitė-Rimkien flota, the fleet of cars is being renewed because they are technically obsolete and their repair costs are high.

“Now logging and trade, lumberjacks and management use pickup trucks and vans made in 2000-2010, as well as Lada and Niva cars. The latter require high repair costs, often downtime due to breakdowns,” he told BNS.

According to her, when buying new cars, old ones will be sold at auction.

Among other things, the SFE intends to purchase another 16 wildfire SUVs. It announced a competition last week and is waiting for applications until March 11.

The State Forestry Company was established in 2018 through the merger of 42 SFE. The company now consists of 26 regional divisions. They employ almost 3,000. workers.
