Famous priest’s Facebook post has infuriated LGBT celebrities – it’s shame and darkness


“The situation in Lithuania is dire. The fight is really going big. The force representing the Lithuanian minority intends to transform the lives of all of us in a way that is favorable for them, but not for Lithuania. The people who represent us and fight on the front lines testify that they feel that they are not fighting flesh and blood. Prayer is a shield. It is necessary, it is necessary … Therefore, we strongly invite everyone to continue fighting with prayer and indifference. This it is very important, very.

And the other request is an action request. We probably feel that this moment invites us to come together and come together. We call not only to focus on signing two petitions. More importantly, we invite you to be heralds in your environment by encouraging people to sign, speaking and explaining what is really happening, ”wrote the famous priest. It is true that this entry of yours was later corrected slightly.

Many of the Internet users, including well-known people such as singer Justė Arlauskaitė-Jazzu, did not skimp on criticizing A. Toliatas’ speech and calls on Facebook.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The world of some insignificance … Without listening to your Pope, Catholics, think! What darkness and what a shame when priests are like this pezalais sharing … Sadness. How much more for some to grow up … Homophobes do not understand in any way: like it or not, LGBT people have always been, are and will be. Why do people want so much to control what is not in their will? To control human choice and ultimately love. How good some feel. Here is the true atheism. This is distaste. It is darkness ”, writes the artist.

Opinion maker Agnė Kulitaitė calls representatives of the Catholic Church arrogant. Of course, the girl was one of the first to dare to criticize the speech of A. Toliat and share her opinion.

Because today the representative of the team sutana Algirdo Toliato appeared post as, in which he shares the letter received and despite the fact that he later tried to rectify the situation in the comments explaining that he shared it only to provoke discussion, I think that anyone who can read understands his play. On that occasion, I share my text again and I do not regret a single word written there. By the way, Toliatai, you didn’t seem like anything at all.

“The church of my dreams in Lithuania pays taxes and they are used to pay for gay weddings”

The audacity of the representatives of the Catholic Church is an issue that has concerned me for a long time. They are the first to back down when it comes to contradicting the rights of citizens by lamenting or foaming timeless values. These two men who love each other cannot marry, this woman must not remove the group of cells from her body, because here, you see, holy life, it is premarital sex, a mortal sin. Hopefully long noses are so eager to interfere in strangers’ affairs priests themselves sacred and cleansed it’s the first snow, but anywhere for you. <...>

But hypocrisy, while disgusting, is still not a crime. As opposed to storing child pornography and sending it to others. If you haven’t heard, two have been caught doing this recently. priests – one from Šiauliai, the other from Panevėžys. This is just one of the stories that have come to light, but it even scares me to think how many of them are silenced by the manipulations that we dvasininkėliams So great is it – to dream of the sinfulness of the flesh and whine for forgiveness. Very aptly it shows Luke Ramon. If any other organization experienced so many pedophilia scandals, it would have been closed for a long time, and here the Catholic church is pig-eyed and sees no problems. I could dwell on this for a long time, but I would only recommend the shocking fact-based movie Spotlight. If so far priests you see only as holy cows, maybe it will help you throw away the glasses that distort reality. I’m not saying anything, certainly there are priests who are dedicated to their vocation, but the facts speak for themselves, many sinners and this fact cannot be ignored. <...>“

A. Kulitaitė’s full post on this topic:

There are more critics of the famous priest’s record. Singer Ruslanas Kirilkinas, performer Alen Chicco, perfumer Aistis Mickevičius, communication specialist Saugirdas Vaitulionis, designer Egidijus Rainys, event organizer Erika Purauskytė and others shared their recordings or comments on social media.

It is true that the priest A. Toliatas reacted to the wave of criticism a little later: he removed the references to the petitions and wrote the response.

“It just came to our notice then. I hear comments that this sounds like agitation. Although my aim was only a spontaneous invitation to delve into this topic. Therefore, I remove the part that deals with requests. Because here everyone has to Make your own decision by consulting your conscience.

I think the letter from the Conference of Bishops is very nice about it. So far the need to actively defend the rights of women, but at the same time warning that this document is like a train with more wagons. These are artificially constructed social genres. The issue here is very sensitive. It is worth a deeper discussion and reflection. Although, on the other hand, it is very likely that the train has already passed and it can be discussed without arguing, ”shared the priest.

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