Well-known priest’s speech angered LGBT supporters: “This is real atheism” | Names


The anger of some people, including celebrities, was sparked by a post by the priest Algirdas Toliatas, which he posted on his Facebook account on Monday morning. In it, he shared with the members of the initiative group of the “For the Family” prayer campaign, doc. Dr. Letter from Lina Šulcienė.

“The situation in Lithuania is serious. The fight is really going big. The force representing the Lithuanian minority intends to transform the lives of all of us in a way that is favorable for them, but not for Lithuania.

The people who represent us and fight on the front lines testify that they feel they are not fighting in the flesh. Prayer is a shield. It is necessary, it is necessary … Therefore, we strongly invite everyone to continue fighting with prayer and indifference. It is very important, very much, ”the record said.

In addition, references have been added to the two petitions to be signed. One is against the Istanbul Convention, the other is against the legalization of a gender-neutral association in Lithuania.

This album infuriated the actor Aisti Mickevičiuswhich He wrote that the statements of priests of this type, which exacerbated society, were incomprehensible to him.

“I have always been amazed by the official desire of the Catholic Church to divide society and, in every way, to oppose the lives of LGBT people to the lives of traditional families (what in the 21st century?), As if they contradicted and hindered each other, and as if all their creations, people, were not equally important and loved.

Photo by Rūta Andre / Aistis Mickevičius

Photo by Rūta Andre / Aistis Mickevičius

There you can write all your conclusions about sexuality and values, you can initiate petitions against a member of the Seimas in the Human Rights Committee, which in principle deals with the rights of people, you can collect sietkas empty signatures (300 thousand is a good scrap paper), you can even add a priest-pizo-hipster toilet to your plans (that’s the name in this context), but I’ll never understand why it takes so much spraying and wasting energy that someone It would prevent you from finally becoming a full member of this society by passing that unfortunate company law.

Your problem is not the lives of LGBT people. Your problem is anger, frustration, and unfulfilled sexual fantasies. Amen, “wrote A. Mickevičius.

The interpreter also decided to speak on this topic. Justė Arlauskaitė-Jazzu, recalling that even Pope Francis has recently expressed his support for LGBT people.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The world of some insignificance … Without listening to your Pope, Catholics, think! What a shame and what a shame that priests share those nests … Sadness. How much more do some need to grow …

Homophobes have no idea if they like it or not, LGBT people have always been, are and will be. Why do people want so much to control what is not in their will? How good some feel … Here is true atheism. This is distaste. It’s darkness, “Jazzu said on Facebook.

A. Tololia was also criticized by a social media figure. Agnė Kulitaitė. And the next day, he shared a record in which he claims that not only priests but also some educational institutions are sending letters urging them to sign such petitions.

“I have learned that even though some members of the sutana team share such a call in public, that encouragement is also carried out in private messages. For example, schools do that.

Institutions that are still sensitive, bullying is a known problem in our society. Despite attempts to work on this, the numbers remain dismal: we often get gold in suicide statistics in Europe, and according to the World Health Organization, we also win by the amount of bullying on our continent. Ironically, when we are often thirsty for that gold, but we earn it where we least want it, right?

But despite the victories that educational institutions really should know about, they are only putting more kerosene on the fire. Among the bisexual and gay people I know, one in three still walks towards a psychologist trying to quell the shadows of the past, and one in four has raised their hands in front of themselves. Some, by the way, have not seen their parents for decades because the family thinks they are perverts.

I am glad that life has given me the gift of growing up not only in a liberal family, but also learning to filter my surroundings as I grow older, which is why I am now surrounded by tolerant, loving and pro-human freedom people. But what to do for those who live in the town, in the province? Where are the small town syndrome and manifestations of homophobia particularly high compared to big cities?

Photo from personal album / Agnė Kulitaitė

Personal album photo / Agnė Kulitaitė

It seems that we are trying to do something, to speak more boldly, we are no longer afraid to show our love in public and we encourage others to love. And it doesn’t matter at all if that love is for the same sex. We are making small steps forward, and by the way, it is worth mentioning that neighboring Latvia is well behind. And when it seemed that it began to shine, the artillery of the pedophiles fell silent, and their side were joined by the allies, in whose platoon there were certainly not one or two against whom this agitation was directed.

The Tololia split was disgusting, but what else can you expect? It would be more surprising to report that finally, after fifty years of repair, church roofs are being repaired and the remaining funds are being given to families living in poverty. But because of the schools … I will not hide, I did not expect it, and it is silly, “wrote A. Kulitaitė.

After the outrage, Toliat corrected his entry by eliminating the part of the letter that deals with the petitions. He also explained that the record was shared only for the purpose of discussion.

“It just came to our notice then. I hear comments that this sounds like agitation. Although my aim was only a spontaneous invitation to delve into this topic. Therefore, I remove the part that deals with requests. Because here everyone has to Make your own decision by consulting your conscience.

I think the letter from the Conference of Bishops is very nice about it. So far the need to actively defend the rights of women, but at the same time warning that this document is like a train with more wagons. These are artificially constructed social genres. The issue here is very sensitive. It is worth a deeper discussion and reflection. Although, on the other hand, it is very likely that the train has already passed and it can be discussed without arguing, ”the priest wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.

READ ALSO: The famous priest A. Toliat, who asked for a petition to be signed against the Istanbul Convention, defends himself without politics: he wanted to invite
