From Friday, more support for companies: more companies will be able to fill out grant applications


„<...> part of the business, I want to believe that this week will be able to submit applications that have not been able to submit so far, required additional technical preparation, took time.

I mean affiliates. Some more detailed evaluations are needed and these are not only things invented by Lithuania, but also European Commission regulations, and for this the STI had to adapt the electronic declaration system, technical programming works were needed.

To my knowledge, it will finally be possible to provide the companies involved. It is like now outside companies, most of those that have applied have already received benefits, so others may start to apply as well, “he said, later clarifying that according to available information, companies should be able to complete as early as this Friday.

The editorial recalls that according to the latest data, as of February 22, 20.7 million have already been approved for the business affected by the quarantine restrictions. 1 million euros in grants from the first business aid package and the aid was distributed to 9,631 companies. In addition, 224 companies received almost 10 million. Soft loans in EUR.

From 500 euros to 800 thousand. Companies with an average monthly turnover of 30% are available one-time grants of up to 1 million euros. or more. Companies, 2019 having paid more than 2 thousand. Personal income tax, you will receive 25% of that amount. grant amount. For those who paid less than 2,000. A grant of EUR 500 is awarded to companies.

Trade representatives can submit grant applications in the STI “My STI” system.

Preferential loans are currently available through Invega for small and large businesses affected by COVID-19. Loans have already been approved to 224 companies, 9.76 million. euros.

On January 20, the first business support package prepared by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation came into operation, for an amount of 180 million. 150 million euros 30 million euros for grants. EUR for loans.

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