Kaunas approved the budget for 2021: who gets more?


On Tuesday, the Kaunas City Council approved the most important document: the budget. This year it amounts to almost 391 million. euros.

Express support

390.4 million LTL was provided to the Kaunas City Council. However, at the time of the presentation, it was indicated that the Government had allocated an additional 339 thousand euros to Kaunas. Therefore, the politicians approved the budget with modifications. This year, Kaunas budget will amount to 390.7 million. euros.

This project was approved by 31 councilors, five abstained and another did not support the budget. It is true that the opposition proposed to adjust the budget project and pay more attention to culture, and finally start organizing the concert hall, which is planned near the Nemunas, on the Aleksotas side. However, these comments were not taken into account.

“Our group regrets that our proposals have not been accepted in the Economy and Innovation Committee. In this year’s budget, we lack attention to culture, sports and improving infrastructure on the outskirts of the city. We urge the rulers to finally allocate funds for the preparation of the technical project for the construction of the MKČiurlionis Concert Center and begin to develop an object of world importance for culture. Also, back in 2019, the municipality announced that the last Song Festival was taking place in the Valley of the Song and that the valley would soon change unrecognizable, but the works had not moved. In preparation for “Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022”, it was necessary to start the reconstruction of the Song Valley “, – opposition leader Edita Gudišauskienė spoke about the fact that this year very little attention is paid to culture.

However, the rulers have just said that funding for culture is increasing significantly this year, making criticism from the opposition unfounded.

Photo by Justina Lasauskaitė

You will also have to borrow

The Council also approved this year’s borrowing plan. By 2021, the municipality of Kaunas will apply for a long-term loan of LTL 14.4 million. euros.

Of these, 5 million. € 7.6 million will be earmarked for the reconstruction of the S. Darius and S. Girėnas stadiums. – Kaunas sports and entertainment complex, which has already started to develop on Nemunas Island. Another 1.8 million. the borrowed euros will be used for the maintenance of the City Garden Park.

This year, the city has pledged to return 7.7 million. loans worth EUR. Taking into account all debts, the total indebtedness of the municipality according to long-term liabilities amounts to 55 million LTL. euros.

By the way, the Ministry of Finance, taking into account the current situation of the pandemic, allows Kaunas to borrow an additional 6.3 million. euros.

We also do our best to ensure the continuity of projects that are important to all of Lithuania.

Pandemic fixes

The city municipality announced that the Kaunas budget collection was affected by the coronavirus pandemic. It has led to adjustments in the money allocation plan and the abandonment of less significant infrastructure projects.

“Last year was not easy and was full of challenges for Kaunas, as for everyone. The pandemic also caused difficulties in allocating and raising the city’s budget. However, we analyzed the situation in a rational way: we “cut” unnecessary expenses, we reduced the funds for infrastructure, so that more of the funds could be allocated to Kaunas residents who are doing particularly important work during this period and who sometimes they are financially undervalued. We are also doing our best to ensure the continuity of projects that are important to all of Lithuania, ”said the Mayor of Kaunas, Visvaldas Matijošaitis, presenting the draft budget more than a week ago.

Most of the city’s budget this year will go to education, social and health care, sports and culture. All of them are designed to grow. Slightly less will be allocated than last year for infrastructure management and overhead.

It is true that funds will also be needed for the continuity of important projects. This year, the budget will allocate funds for the additional renovation of the S. Darius and S. Girėnas stadiums, the construction of the “Mokslo halls” and the multifunctional water sports center on Nemunas Island, the completion of the reconstruction of the sports hall. , the implementation of the new athletics track project.

Who pays more?

Like every year, most of the budget pie goes to education. It is about ensuring the functioning of educational institutions by 2021 charged to the municipal budget of 67.8 million. appropriations. A growth in the salary lines of educators is expected: 7.3 percent will be assigned. more than 2020

Another area that will receive more funding is culture. 2021 Kaunas’ draft budget foresees 15.9 million. euros. This year, special attention will be paid to the project “Kaunas – European Capital of Culture in 2022” and to cultural projects financed by the “Initiatives for Kaunas” program.

Kaunas continues the commitment made several years ago to constantly increase the wages of cultural workers. This year, 4% will be allocated in the budget. more funds than last year.

Kaunas residents working in the fields of education and culture will not only experience wage growth. In the field of social services in 2021. The draft budget foresees more than 38 million euros. EUR, that is, even 15.7%. more than 2020 It is expected to maintain more than 6 million for social service institutions this year. Credits for staff salaries will increase by 14.3%.
