COVID-19 in Lithuania: 482 diseases diagnosed, 7 people died, the virus continues to spread in kindergartens, companies, hospitals


1,099 high-risk people were isolated the previous day, out of a total of 53,257 people isolated, including people with confirmed COVID-19 disease.

Cases where the circumstances of contagion of people are not clear, that is, epidemiological studies have established that people did not go abroad, they did not communicate with confirmed cases of COVID-19, they are currently registered., Gas stations, car washes, but it indicates that the contact time is short and there have been no cases of contagion from other people in those places.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

In the dairy production company located in Marijampolė, 2 cases were confirmed yesterday, as well as 1 secondary case. In this outbreak, a total of 25 cases were confirmed, of which 7 are secondary.

In the outbreak linked to the Department of Internal Medicine at Vilkaviškis Hospital, 2 cases were confirmed yesterday. A total of 27 cases have been linked to this outbreak, of which 3 cases have been confirmed to staff, 18 patients and 6 secondary cases.

Photo by Alius Koroliov / 15min / Vaccination of people over 80 years old began in Kaunas

Photo by Alius Koroliov / 15min / Vaccination of people over 80 years old began in Kaunas

A new outbreak has been identified in Šilutė “Pušelė” nursery school. There are 5 cases associated with the outbreak. 3 students, 1 employee and 1 family member became ill.

Two new cases related to the outbreak were identified in the Šilutė subdivision of the Klaipėda branch of the State Social Insurance Fund Board. A total of 8 cases are associated with this outbreak, of which 1 is secondary.

3 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in the outbreak of the Telšiai Regional Hospital Rehabilitation Department, confirmed cases of COVID-19 disease in patients.

3 new cases related to the outbreak were registered in a beverage production company operating in Druskininkai. A total of 9 cases were associated with the outbreak, of which one was a secondary case in the family. Specialists from the Alytus Department went to the focus and provided recommendations on managing the outbreak, applying measures to prevent coronavirus infection and registering 35 people with high and low risk exposures.

There are 3 cases related to Vidiškiai basic school in Ukmergė district. A total of 8 cases were identified, including secondary cases.

Two cases were recorded in the Širvintos hospital outbreak. A total of 16 cases were identified.

The Švenčionys District Hospital identified 2 cases. The medical institution was contacted, consultations were given, people with contact were isolated, people were registered for examination.

At the wood production and processing company located in the Švenčionys district, 2 cases were identified. Outbreak management measures implemented.

2 cases were confirmed in a furniture manufacturing and marketing company located in the Švenčionys district. The person in charge of the institution was contacted, consultations were provided, people with isolated contact were isolated, people were registered for the investigation.

A total of 7 cases of coronavirus infection are related to the Family Lab Academy educational institution located in Kaunas, including 6 primary and 1 secondary.

According to preliminary data, 3 related cases were identified in the “Vėtrungė” kindergarten located in Vilnius.

In addition, 5 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in the Vilnius “Beržynėlis” kindergarten.

Cases related to outbreaks in families were recorded on the last day across Lithuania, based on currently available data.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

The hospitals currently serve 1,002 patients, 98 of whom are in resuscitation.

Oxygen is added to 821 patients and 57 patients receive artificial lung ventilation.

74 COVID-19 patients were hospitalized per day.

Currently, the coronavirus has 22 doctors and 65 nurses without work, 14 and 21 isolated, respectively.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / Clínica VUL Santara.  Fight against coronavirus

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / Clínica VUL Santara. Fight against coronavirus

Operational indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic of the last day

  • Number of new cases per day: 482
  • The last 7 days average daily number of new cases: 484
  • Total number of past / present cases (of which laboratory confirmed: 190 257): 194 833
  • Statistical number of current patients (declared: 55771): 7561
  • Statistical number of live recoveries (declared: 132,430): 180,640
  • Number of epidemiologically investigated cases per day: 711
  • Number of people isolated per day due to risk exposure: 1099
  • Number of isolated arrivals per day: 1,563
  • Total number of people in self-isolation: 21073
  • Last day of vaccination with the first dose: 3567
  • Last day of vaccination with a second dose: 1524
  • Total vaccinated with the first dose: 125,518
  • A total of two doses of the vaccine were vaccinated: 68651
  • Newly admitted patients per day for COVID-19: 74
  • Number of COVID-19 patients who have recently started oxygen therapy: 54
  • Number of COVID-19 patients who have just started artificial lung ventilation: 6
  • Number of deaths from COVID-19 in the last day: 7
  • Total number of deaths from COVID-19: 3,189

Confirmed in the country on Monday 263 new cases of coronavirus, reported by Statistics Lithuania. 6 more people died. A total of 194,333 people have fallen ill with COVID-19 in Lithuania since the start of the pandemic.

Also on Monday, Statistics Lithuania announced that the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic was starting in Lithuania. Nevertheless scientists are in no rush draw the following conclusions. It is true that they agree that the dynamics of the cases is not good and needs to be addressed.

The National Public Health Center (NVSC), in response to information published by Statistics Lithuania, stated that fluctuations are observed in certain indicators it is a continuation of the second wave of coronavirus.

For her part, Lithuanian chief epidemiologist Loreta Ašoklienė said about the epidemiological situation that the decrease in morbidity stopped. However, he noted that the third wave would not yet call it that.

National Drug Control Agency (IARC) reported that 802 suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to the vaccine were reported between the onset of COVID-19 disease (December 27) and February 19. 760 messages are classified as mild to moderate and 42 as severe.
