Older people already vaccinated, not behind the mountains and mass vaccination. How will everything go?


About the course of COVID-19 vaccination in Vilnius 15 minutes Evaldas Navickas, coordinator of this process in the municipality and director of the Antakalnis Polyclinic, said.

“On Monday, we started vaccinating the elderly and the first polyclinic to start was the Karoliniškė Polyclinic. As of Wednesday, the Antakalnis Polyclinic also started vaccinating the elderly. Consequently, other outpatient clinics will join in. they organize the vaccination, every week and the next ”, he commented.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Antakalnis Polyclinic

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Antakalnis Polyclinic

A total of seven medical institutions organizing the vaccination process will start operating in Vilnius this week, but there may be more executives.

“The executives – everyone who wishes will have the conditions, they will be able to invite older people who have registered at the institution and vaccinate them,” said E. Navickas.

Vilnius will call everyone

Seniors and people with chronic diseases will get vaccinated first.

Those who have registered with the Vilnius medical institutions do not need to request the vaccinations, they will be contacted.

We will call everyone because they are people 80 and over. We don’t want to disturb you.

“We will call everyone because they are people of 80 years or older. We do not want to disturb them and we hope that their vaccination will be completed in the next two weeks,” said the head of the polyclinic and made it clear that the same procedure will apply to other older adults.

What if the grandparents do not receive calls?

In this case, it will be possible to contact the call center.

“There will be information and publicity, there will be a call center call for both them and their families. Of course, the call center will be more for those who do not enroll in an institution, but apparently we will make exceptions for those who cannot be reached somewhere, ”said E. Navickas.

For older people who do not have access to medical facilities, the municipality will provide transportation.

“We will go to those who are in home care, and for those who do not have the opportunity to come, cannot be cared for by their relatives, the Vilnius city municipality will organize a transport service. The information is already being made public, ”said the coordinator.

The vaccination will move to public spaces

He said Vilnius residents are vaccinated against COVID-19 by nurses working in polyclinics and vaccination offices.

Sometimes nurses move in and out of other departments.

The Antakalnis Polyclinic only has 61 in total.

“And everyone can have vaccination programs, including the COVID-19 vaccine,” Navick said.

When asked whether in the future, when mass vaccination will take place, there will be enough seven institutions organizing this process, he did not begin to predict, but hinted that vaccination is planned not only in polyclinics, but also, for example, in Vilnius. municipality.

Photo by Saulius Žiūra / COVID-19 Vaccination

Photo by Saulius Žiūra / COVID-19 Vaccination

“In April-May, based on currently available vaccines, predicted by the Ministry of Health, I believe that we will begin vaccination in public areas,” said the head of the polyclinic.

He considered that vaccination could be carried out not only in the municipality’s facilities, but also in mobile points and the elderly.

No decisions have yet been made on this.

Selected residents would receive invitations online

So far, according to E. Navickas, it is unclear how the mass vaccination of Vilnius residents will be carried out, whether they will be invited to be vaccinated by family doctors or whether the registration will be done online.

The last option is more acceptable to the coordinator:

“The topic is still under discussion, but our wish is for it to be a random way, for a centralized online patient registration system, to invite everyone in that age group to come to one or another vaccination site.”

Our wish for this to be a randomized approach would be to have a centralized online patient registration system.

In his opinion, the system should allow the invited person to consent or refuse vaccination.

“In order not to be again, one has arrived, ten have not,” added E. Navickas.

He expressed the hope that the online registration system will be operational by the end of this month and that it will be fully operational when vaccination of people under 65 begins.

“Already in May it will be possible for people vaccinated at that time to register in the system independently,” said the manager about the plans.

The municipality of Birštonas will have a vaccination center

Birštonas has not yet started vaccinating older people, but will do so this week.

“Currently, as we have received few vaccines for the first vaccination, we are vaccinating several personal health professionals who work in sanatoriums, vaccinating teachers who also belong to the priority group and have not been able to get vaccinated for various personal reasons, and vaccination specialists kindergarten “, doctor who coordinates the vaccination process against COVID-19, Eglė Grinevičienė.

Birštonas residents currently go to Birštonas Primary Health Care Center for vaccinations.

Here, according to E. Grinevičienė, it will be possible to vaccinate all residents of the municipality.

“As the municipality is small, although we have many personal health institutions, that is, sanatoriums and many specialists, but our population is 4.5 thousand, we really do not have the goal of establishing several vaccination centers. I think we will take care of the vaccination process in a single institution ”, he considered.

A municipal doctor said that there are two groups of six nurses who are vaccinated against COVID-19 in the primary health care center.

In case of a shortage of nurses, a reserve group of sanatorium specialists could also help.

Residents are already signing up

How will Birštonas organize the vaccination of the elderly and the population? Will they seek out those for whom it is time to get vaccinated, or will they wait until they express that wish themselves?

E.Grinevičienė stated that both options are possible, but added that some people are already registering for vaccination.

As far as I know, some patients have applied to the institution, they are included in the lists.

“As far as I know, some patients have applied to the institution, are included in the lists, and when the time comes for them to be vaccinated according to priorities, according to age, we will contact them.

And we will do the registration of residents so they can register. We will have a separate phone line.

You can also register through e. health, as far as I know the ministry will continue to have a separate line for the vaccination process, “said the municipal doctor.

When asked what will happen if the residents do not know anything about vaccination and do not apply to the medical institution, E. Grinevičienė answered with certainty that this would not happen.

“In a small municipality, I don’t think we have this problem. Maybe we will use social workers to spread the message and reach those who are further afield, ”he said.

Šiauliai district to expand the number of vaccination centers

The Šiauliai district has not yet started vaccinating the elderly, it should start this week.

“At this moment, we are finishing education and beginning to vaccinate the population, first from the oldest and, depending on the age of the priority groups, towards the youngest.” 15 minutes said Inga Rimgailienė, a doctor from the Šiauliai district municipality, who coordinates the COVID-19 vaccination process here.

Kaunas Clinics Photo / Vaccination

Kaunas Clinics Photo / Vaccination

So far, the residents of the district have been vaccinated only at the Šiauliai district primary health care center, but as of this week five more places for vaccination should appear in the district.

“In addition, we have planned five places in municipal elderly people, outpatient clinics or doctor’s offices,” said I. Rimgailienė.

The residents of the district will be invited to be vaccinated by the medical institutions themselves.

“Each institution calls and invites all who subscribe to get vaccinated,” explained the municipal doctor.

Help will be sought in the elderly

What if you don’t call anyone?

“The vaccination process is not like passing a group and finishing it. When new people from the old groups want to get vaccinated, we can go back and get vaccinated.

In the elderly, please, if there are people who do not sign up or visit the doctors, we will try to pick them up with the help of the public ”, commented I. Rimgailienė.

The vaccination process is not such that we go to a group and finish it.

When asked who vaccinated the population against COVID-19, he said that there are nine nurses at the Šiauliai District Primary Health Care Center.

And if they aren’t enough in the long run, colleagues elsewhere will help.

“We have two more primary institutions cooperating and contributing their human resources,” said I. Rimgailienė.

Vaccination of the elderly against COVID-19 will continue to vaccinate those with chronic diseases, those in psychiatric hospitals, those who play important roles in society and the rest of the population.

The latter, according to a plan published by the Ministry of Health and vaccination delivery schedules, should begin vaccination in May.
