Irving to offer non-playing players in NBA season extension / News


Photo: Reuters – Scanpix

Reuters Photo – Scanpix

Kyrie Irving, vice president of the National Basketball Association (NBA), will speak to nearly 200 players the following night and ask for their opinion on the league’s decision to extend the season.

Kyrie irving

Kyrie irving
Kyrie irving

MIN: 32.9
PTS: 27.4 (56.56%)
REB: 5.15
HOW: 6.4
S T: 1.35
BS: 0.5
TO: 2.6
GM: twenty

Last week, the NBA decided to extend the season with 22 teams in Orlando, but after the news came reports that some players disagreed, taking into account not only the risks of COVID-19, but also the ongoing protests. after George Floyd’s death.

“What message do we send if we agree to play to extend the season? Now we are protesting in the streets and going crazy, but will we soon leave our families during these horrible times and play in a place where there will be no club owners? What is the point? “- An unidentified black NBA player did not hide his dissatisfaction with Yahoo Sports.

In a conversation with NBA players, Irving is reported to offer basketball players to consider the option of not playing in the season extension.

ESPN announced a little earlier that players will have the right to choose not to play in the renewed season in Orlando, but will then receive no winnings for the remaining 8 games of the regular season.

The NBA season will resume at Walt Disney Amusement Park in Orlando. 22 clubs will enter the final stage of the season, playing 8 regular season games, followed by the playoffs in traditional format.
