D. Grigien leaves Swedbank – Business News


Aware: 2021-02-22 10:26

Dovil Grigien, Chairman of the Board of Swedbank. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Dovil Grigien, chairman of the board of Swedbank Lithuania, leaves the bank. Remy Salters, Head of the Finance Department of Swedbank Lithuania, has been appointed to this position.

The years at the head of the bank have been very active and have helped to improve both professionally and personally. But after 8 years, spending time in the bank, I think, is a good time to change. A lot of work has been done on the job and the journey together with Swedbank colleagues and clients was very meaningful, D. Grigien is quoted in the report.

Grigien will be the bank’s director until March 19. She has been Chairperson of the Board since 2013 and has been Director of Swedbank’s Private Banking Division in Lithuania.

I would like to thank Dovile for his contribution to the successful development of the Swedbank organization in Lithuania, which has resulted in very good business results and a high level of customer satisfaction. In addition, through their dedication and efforts, we have been able to elevate the bank’s social responsibility initiatives above all levels of sustainability, be it leadership in diversity and gender equality, or promoting financial qualification, or working with the community. fintech, says Jonas Lidefelt. , Director of Baltic Banking at Swedbank.

R. Salters, who will temporarily act as director of Swedbank Lithuania, has been managing the Financial Service of Swedbank Lithuania for more than 6 years. Mr. Salters has accumulated experience working in the financial sector, holding various positions at the Bank of England and the Standard & Poors rating agency. He holds a BA in social and political science from the University of Cambridge and an MA from the London School of Economics.

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