A. Navalnas was found guilty in a veteran defamation case – Respublika.lt


A Moscow court on Saturday found the Kremlin’s criticism of Alexei Navalna guilty of defaming a veteran.


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Alexei Navaln, leader of the Russian opposition. Photo by EPA-Elta

Judge Vera Akimova said Navaln was guilty of defaming a World War II veteran whom the Kremlin critic called a traitor because he campaigned last year for constitutional reforms that would allow President Vladimir Putin to run for two more terms later. of 2024.

The judge ordered A. Navalnas to pay 850 thousand. rubles (9.5 thousand euros) fine.

Earlier on Saturday, Navaln heard another court ruling. The Moscow Court of Appeal dismissed the opposition’s appeal on February 2. sentence to a real change in 2014. sentenced to a suspended prison sentence.

The court decided to include in the sentence the six weeks that A. Navaln was under house arrest, so the opposition will have to spend a little more than two and a half years in the colony.

Navaln believes that the accusations against him are politically motivated.

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