Vaccination interrupted kindergartens: no such serious side effects expected


The Ministries of Education, Science and Sports (MESM) announce that this week the first dose of the vaccine will be completed by teachers and other personnel who work in institutions and classrooms of preschool, preschool, primary and special education. According to the Ministry of Health, 28,000 have already been vaccinated. employees of educational institutions, of which 1 thousand. – and a second dose of the vaccine.

Although, according to the heads of the associations representing kindergartens, most of the staff experienced only mild side effects after the first vaccination, and there were also extremely unpleasant cases.

Sandra Štelbienė, founder of the “Mėnulio vaikai” kindergarten, says that an employee of the institution, who also needed an ambulance after the vaccination, caused the greatest concern.

“There was a case in which the educators were very bad, weak. And headache, nausea, and fever. I called an ambulance. When I went to Santariškės, they explained to me that it is a completely normal reaction to the vaccine, that this is how the immune system reacts, ”says the director of the kindergarten.

According to S. Štelbienė, there are currently 9 educators working in the team of a small private kindergarten. All but two experienced stronger-than-usual side effects, including a high fever, severe nausea, vomiting, and weakness.


There was no one to work for

According to Ieva Jagminienė, director of the association that unites private preschool and preschool educational institutions, all kindergartens in the association face similar problems. In almost all of them, about half of the employees had to obtain disability certificates.

“It just came to our attention then. We didn’t expect there to be any of them,” I. Jagminienė does not hide.

The interviewer, who runs the private kindergarten, says the vaccination schedule also caused difficulties. All educators at the institution were invited to be vaccinated on the same day, so as a result, the activities of the kindergartens and the kindergartens themselves.

“There has been a message that tomorrow we are invited to be vaccinated at that time and a schedule is created for the institution’s employees every five minutes. This means that everyone has to go to the polyclinic that day, get vaccinated, there is no one to work that day. The next day, when the side effects started, they all disappeared at the same time, ”explains the president of the private kindergarten association.

According to S. Štelbienė, most educators are very happy with the opportunity to get vaccinated and will definitely do it a second time. However, as the second vaccination approaches, there is a real need to rethink the entire process so that institutions do not have to be suspended.

“Everyone is vaccinated in a city, we were lucky that we were vaccinated on Friday and we did not work that day. Monday was a challenge, we had less than half the staff to work.

They managed to change, but if they had been vaccinated on Monday or Tuesday, the kindergarten would not have been open for more than half a week, ”says the founder of the kindergarten” Children of the Moon “.

I. Jagminienė assures that the complaints made in the public space are already being taken into account: “We have already received an invitation to choose the appropriate hours for us, the employees of our institution already have two days. Clearly, for the first time, such a pandemic brought it all together. We are very happy that they have vaccinated us, but apparently those who do not work in kindergarten do not add such nuances ”.


In state institutions – individual cases

Meanwhile, heads of state nurseries say they have yet to face such problems. Lina Bagdanavičienė, the director of the association that unites them, explains to that the extremely strong side effects are isolated cases and, as far as she knows, no nursery has been interrupted so far.

“Yes, these are isolated cases that are talked about more in the public sphere. There is such a vicious cycle that those who promise to get vaccinated freak out. Although the same vaccine, but the reactions are different.

There’s a more important part, personally at least on my team, which is really who felt it, everyone felt it. But take the inability to take the job: a person. As far as I know, also in colleagues’ institutions, ”says L. Bagdanavičienė.

Jolanta Varanavičienė, president of the Lithuanian Association of Teachers of Early Childhood and Early Childhood Education and an expert in Karmėlava’s “Žilvitis” kindergarten, also says that she does not know anyone who was seriously damaged by the first vaccine.

“I conducted a survey in the association, there was no one who had serious side effects. Very frivolous, simple, weak, like chills,” says J. Varanavičienė.

The educator is glad that she also received her first vaccination. He had no special health problems: “A little chills and nothing else, not even the temperature. Only slight pain in the hand. Very weak signs, just like my colleagues. “

Vaccine (photo from Kaunas clinics)

Not everyone wants to get vaccinated

According to the heads of the associations that connect the kindergartens, it is still difficult to determine exactly how many educators do not agree to be vaccinated. L. Bagdanavičienė notes that the distribution is more pronounced when comparing cities and regions.

“The percentages are very different. There are more people who are afraid and do not want to be vaccinated in the smaller cities and more in the larger cities.

Individual agreements, separate institutions, there is a lot to talk about, he explained. We really want to get back to normal work. Now children are not guided by protecting educators. It is up to us to decide if we want to return to a normal life to work and do tests, to get vaccinated ”, says the president of the Association of Heads of State Institutions for Early Childhood and Preschool Education.

I. Jagminienė, representing private kindergartens, says that some educators, while not completely against the vaccine, still tend to wait and see how their colleagues fare.

“There are those who say they will wait, that they will see what it will be like here. Almost 100% of an institution. employees, of the other three employees. It is very diverse, it is difficult to summarize ”, says I. Jagminienė.

According to ŠMSM, from February 9 to 17 alone, around 15.5 thousand people were vaccinated. educators. However, the ministry has no data on how many staff members refused to be vaccinated.

Vaccination of IMI doctors began (IMI photo)

Do not trust AstraZeneca vaccine

Many questions also arise for educators about the reputations of different vaccines. The latest AstraZeneca vaccine and its reliability have been debated in the public sphere for some time.

S. Štelbienė says that this is also discussed in private communities of preschool teachers. In his opinion, what is most lacking is communication from the government, an explanation of what exactly to expect when vaccinating one or another vaccine.

“We just realized that it was not safe or that the effects had not been studied. I think it all comes down to lack of information. If there had been more of that information up front, we would just be good to go.

Ask all instances – to communicate. Because now that we have received strong side effects, we have received responses from health professionals that this is a natural reaction, it is not even called a side effect if you are not hospitalized, ”says the founder of a private kindergarten.

L. Bagdanavičienė admits that there are cases when kindergarten employees simply refuse to be vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine:

“People just haven’t received competent information on individual vaccines. We really got that opinion from non-professionals. That choice is there and people really choose.

In fact, the AstraZeneca vaccine has many negative opinions. I had to ask personally: “Today there is a vaccine of this type, will you go?” He says “No, we will wait for the others”, shares L. Bagdanavičienė.

J. Varanavičienė, director of the Early Childhood Education Teachers Association, sees similar trends: “Yes, there are teachers who want freedom of choice. But I think education for the whole of society would help here. The government should pay more attention to educating the public, including teachers. “

Side effects – normal reaction

The State Agency for Drug Control (IARC) notes that adverse drug reactions are a normal reaction of the body and that this information should be provided to the Authority. The Authority also emphasizes that all vaccines currently on the Lithuanian market are registered in the European Union. This means that they are safe, effective and comply with all the quality standards of the European Union.

According to IWT data, more than 700 reports of side effects have been reported since the start of vaccination on December 27.

Most common side effects (IWT photo)

Deputy Minister of Health Živilė Simonaitytė says she sees a paradox in teachers’ complaints that they want to be vaccinated with any other vaccine except AstraZeneca.

“Regarding specific vaccines, the fact that they are approved at different times, in the way they are administered, creates various rumors and myths about one or another vaccine. So I really want to emphasize that all vaccines are safe, approved by the European Medicines Agency, all tested, both are safe and have results in the fight against the virus, ”Ž said at a press conference on Friday. Simonaitytė.

With more and more public comment on the side effects of the vaccine, the deputy minister stressed the importance of spreading the message that such side effects are normal.

“It just came to our attention as a reaction of the body that shows that the vaccine is working. {…}

These side effects caused by the vaccine alone are not a bad thing. More so for the three vaccines used in Lithuania, side effects were recorded in all their trials. And what we’re seeing now is that those recorded side effects are not at all different from what the manufacturers named what to expect, ”Ž said. Simonaitytė.
