Darius Chmieliauskas: Sunday Gospel. The rainbow, whose sign is it?


So today Christians (and especially Catholics) celebrate I lent Sunday. Celebrating ?! The start of another quarantine? They are totally sick, right? – Will there be survivors to celebrate that Easter after another 40 days ?! Although, it is true, they are homosexuals, not a single world power promises them a quick death, and they are still here, as if viruses have mutated. zarazos.

By the way, now he’s even suffocating from an additional fast, and nothing resists! For example, last Wednesday, the so-called Ash – exactly nine weeks later, they finally allowed their relatives to attend mass (albeit with titanic restrictions, as in big cities, no matter how big the cathedral or the basilica, 15 souls at a time). And nothing – resist, in silence.

As a Jesuit father deliberately says today, a spokesman for the Belgian Episcopal Conference said they had the same rule in Brussels: 15 people; but they offered the same Ash Wednesday in the house of prayer of their monastery – attention! – Mass 24, so that all who wish can begin Lent by scattering their heads in ashes! Who has seen such zeal in us? Please share why I lost my hearing; but with my own eyes, live, not just through the screen, I saw people rubbing the handles of closed metropolitan churches – unsuccessfully, in the cold, but still – quite silently …

Who has seen such zeal in us?

I don’t know if I could really do something about it, but I still feel guilty against those people (mostly women of respectable age), so … sorry … As a deacon I cannot offer mass, in at least I could bring ashes or communion.

So what is that Borrowedthat the surviving believers are invading him so much? O – how common church Will Catholics continue to believe that this is just another time of fasting, self-immolation, wailing, and similar movements that need to be somehow stoically survived?

Is it – as cultural Catholics almost scientifically explain – an ethnospatial-ecologically very valuable period? And what does the Church itself say about it today? She does this most clearly and clearly, in the words of Scripture and the liturgy.

The first digit (Pr 9, 8-15) remember God’s covenant with Noah saved from the flood after 40 days and nights of quarantine.

PsalmP.S. 25, 4-9.) And its preface proclaims: O LORD, do your justice and mercy to those who keep your covenant.

On the second reading (1 Pt 3: 18-22) the apostle Peter reminds us of God’s patience in the days of Noah and what saves us from our deluge of affliction: Now you are saved by the image of those things: baptism. It is not the washing of the unclean body, but the prayer of God to give a pure conscience for the resurrection of Jesus Christ; when he ascends to heaven, he sits at the right hand of God, and the angels, both the authorities and the powers, are subject to him..

Evangelists Morkus (Mk 1, 12-15) finally announces the quarantine of Jesus today in a very brief and dynamic way:

The Spirit leads him into the desert. In the desert he spent forty days tempted by Satan. He was with the beasts and the angels served him. When John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee and began to proclaim the good news of God: “The time has come, the kingdom of God has drawn near! Repent and believe the gospel! “

Mark does not linger any longer before the impressive temptations of Jesus in the desert, which are narrated in detail by other evangelists. Here it seems important to you to tell us as soon as possible – why all that after that? – after the desert, where does it lead, what ends?

And behold, Jesus, having come to the desert shortly after John baptized him in the Jordan, and the voice of the Father from heaven resounded to everyone’s ears: “You are my beloved, I am well pleased in you!” the Father sent him here to … ALREADY! Is the time – The kingdom of God is here! So all you have to do is open up and accept that The good news – The gospel! So much ?! How to do this? Repent and believe the gospelJesus responds with three words and a conjunction.

This is what our 40-day quarantine Lent is to hear, accept and experience this joyous message that only the Lord could have conceived for us. Although it may not even seem as impressive and funny as the Church proclaims through the lips of Jesus here … And if so, is it true ?! Who will help me believe that? .. Do I need to go to the desert for that too? ..

This is what our 40-day quarantine Lent is to hear, accept and experience this joyous message that only the Lord could have conceived for us.

But I’m not in it anymore; After all, this quarantine, an unpleasant desert, where we have been living for so many months and even dusting for forty days, is the most likely desert. And here beasts abound, all kinds of terrible creatures, micro and macro organisms … And not to mention the temptations, for example, to fear everything mortal – viruses, vaccines, people, bankruptcies, orally – death …

Or is it perhaps even more terrifying to find yourself here … with yourself and with God? In the Bible, the desert is always the time for such an encounter. Gi then and conversion site – metanoia – the Greek word transmitted by the evangelist like Jesus is so wonderful and eloquent: it means to transcend understanding and then radically change direction … You would say almost crazy as without love that fundamentally changes your life! (Even psychologists have borrowed this term from theologians to describe a similar process.)

So what will help me? turn into Y believe The gospel? The same as for a “crazy lover” is just an encounter with a person who loved me and a person who loved. When you listen, experiment, say: “You are my beloved! I will delight you! “- then I will believe that the Lord is not an ideology, nor a Talmud of rules, laws, conventions, but a Person who loves me and testifies of his love to the end!

Then I too will go crazy with happiness and go, proclaim that happier message and give my life to my Beloved.

So this is what Noah, God, and the rainbow are all about:

I will keep my covenant with you: never again will all dead animals be destroyed by the waters of the flood, never again will the flood be destroyed by the earth. And this, added God, will be the sign that I will give for all ages, my pacts between you and me and all the animals that are with you. I have put my bow in the cloud, and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When the cloud rottes over the earth and my bow appears in the cloud, I will remember my covenant.

After the quarantine of the flood, God no longer demands anything from Noah, but only promises, compromises and even proclaims the covenant with him that there will never be a flood like that again, but there will always be His faithful love for men! And the sign of His love for us and the covenant that springs from it, even in His own memory, will be a rainbow.

Jesus has come, he comes only to realize this. And invites you and me.

Jesus has come, he comes only to realize this. And invites you and me. And in forty days he will testify. What about me?
