There is hope that after being quarantined we can return to normal life: this is a very wrong idea


“Now we have the impression that we will suffer a little and then we can go back to living as before. There is a very wrong idea here, first of all, if it has been presented by decision makers or experts to decision makers, ”he said on Delfi Day.

If this attitude does not change, according to S. Čaplinkas, the release of restrictions would start to increase the number of new cases again around May.

According to him, a jump in cases will be inevitable if you try to regulate everything with bans and quarantines, instead of explaining what behavior would be responsible and safe.

“The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that people are already tired of the pandemic. Constant fear and mere prohibitions. If it is not clarified why, people simply start not to protect themselves,” said S. Čaplinskas.

Prof.  Saulius Čaplinskas

Prof. Saulius Čaplinskas

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

According to him, it should be understood that we will still live with this virus for one or two years.

“The challenge is to keep diseases to a minimum.” First we must try to protect those who are most vulnerable, for whom the virus is most dangerous and not close the entire country, the economy, social life, and everyone must try to protect his closest people, colleagues, visitors to shops, beauty salons, cultural events, ”said the professor.

He affirms that he has not faced the recommendations of specialists to limit the area of ​​the premises visited by people to 300 square meters.

“The probability of getting infected indoors depends on how long people go there, whether they wear masks or not, and how the weather will be there. If the airflows change rapidly, fresh air quickly enters, the chances are drastically reduced. The probability is lower in hot and humid climates “, explained S. Čaplinskas in the program” Delfi diena “.

As of Monday, it is allowed to operate exactly up to 300 square meters and smaller shops with independent entrance from the outside.

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