Švyturys extends a helping hand to doctors: donates vital equipment


Responded to the needs of medical institutions

These days Vilnius Santara Clinic has received special heating equipment ordered and delivered at the initiative of Švyturys-Utenos alus. The desire for such support was expressed by the medical institution itself, which has the best knowledge of how to help treated patients at this difficult time. According to Gintautas Kėkštas, head of the first resuscitation department of the Santara clinics, in the care of patients with the virus and suffering from a critical condition, it is often necessary to connect long-term renal replacement therapy, which makes the patients become very cold. These patients must warm up quickly, since patients with normal temperatures recover faster and their protective reactions, immunity, are preserved.

“We are happy that the company has expressed solidarity with our expressed needs, reacted quickly and even exceeded expectations. We were hoping to get a team game, but Švyturys-Utenos also bought two. This will undoubtedly contribute to improving the performance. patient treatment situation, because today the need for heating is not small, “commented G. Kėkštas.

Another part of the support is allocated to the Utena Hospital: the Švyturys-Utenos alus company donates vital signs monitoring equipment with a central monitoring station to this medical institution. According to the hospital director Dalius Drunga, such help pleasantly surprised him and all the hospital staff.

“We are very aware that the business is not going through the best of times right now, so we did not expect the sponsors to call and ask what we are missing. This conversation has shown me once again that social responsibility still exists ”, says D. Drunga.

According to him, the newly acquired equipment will first reach the departments where the COVID-19 virus is used to treat patients who are seriously ill. The equipment will help to accurately measure the pulse of such patients, regularly record the pressure and oxygen saturation in the blood, as well as display other necessary parameters. D. Drunga says that this equipment is like a medical guide that accurately describes the patient’s condition.

In the ranks of benefactors, since the beginning of the pandemic.

In response to the difficult situation in the healthcare sector, Švyturys-Utenos alus took initiatives to help doctors at the beginning of the quarantine. The first support was provided at the end of March last year; at that time, the Vilnius Santara Clinic, Kaunas, Šiauliai, Klaipėda and Utena hospitals received free water and other soft drinks. About 90 thousand more. Bottles of soft drinks went to the Food Bank, which supports the country’s poor. Also, during the peak of the pandemic, Utena’s doctors received a large number of respirators. The company also provided more than 1,000 respirators to the Utena and Klaipėda nursing homes.

It is estimated that during the first quarantine, the support provided to Švyturys-Utenos allus to vulnerable groups in society and doctors exceeded 100,000. euros. On this occasion, at the initiative of the company, the amount of equipment donated to hospitals reaches 17 thousand. euros. However, Rolandas Viršilas, director of Švyturys-Utena Beer and Carlsberg in the Baltic countries, says that the support is not just a financial contribution; According to him, it is a significant step of social responsibility that companies must take to help improve the situation.

“We see how difficult this pandemic has lasted for almost a year, what challenges the treatment sector has gone through, how severely already vulnerable groups have been affected. We feel the enormous responsibility to help where we can and to face the crisis at least minimally. I believe that it is the duty of every socially responsible company to rethink and think about how to lend a hand ”, R. Viršilas is convinced.


Order number: PT_86507497
