The first contact education school opens –


On Monday February 22, the first school in Lithuania, where classes will be taught in person, will open its doors to Vilnius students. The Vilnius Duke Gediminas progymnasium was chosen for the pilot project, to which 32 of the 35 classes will return. At that time, children who do not return to school will receive distance education.

Already on Thursday, the tests of the teachers ‘family farms began cumulatively, and the tests of the students’ family farms will begin on Friday. Over the weekend, the farms of 630 student families will be evaluated, and it turns out that the accumulation is negative: the child will be able to go to school from Monday. If the collection is still positive, then a PCR test will be done and if at least one member of the family farm has COVID-19, the child will stay home and be in isolation for 14 days. and distance learning.

The cumulative test is much simpler and causes less discomfort: the sample is taken from the nose to a depth of 1.5 cm. Samples from the entire family farm are placed on a single medium and transferred to the laboratory for analysis. The family farm receives the results by SMS.

In less than a week, on February 26, students and teachers will be tested again at school. These tests will be carried out every week. This time, the parents of the students and the farms of the teachers’ families will no longer participate in the tests, the accumulations will be taken from the groups formed by the students and the teachers. If no COVID-19 cases are detected, the lessons will continue as planned, but if at least one case is detected in one of the groups during the test, a PCR test will be performed and the whole class will have to isolate the COVID- 19 positives and lessons will be taught remotely.

This model of school operation, which will be implemented in Vilnius Prince Gediminas Progymnasium, is also being applied successfully in other countries. The University of Cornville, USA, has used this model to return thousands of students to safe contact learning.

Although students will contact education again starting Monday, the school will comply with all safety requirements. Classes will not mix with each other, distance and hygiene requirements will be met.

During the operation of the school, the Vilnius City Municipality, the Vilnius Healthier team of the Vilnius Public Health Office and the school administration will monitor the situation. If the desired result is achieved – carrying out the educational process safely in school – more and more schools could open their doors in the future.
