Venckienė did not admit any charges in court


On Friday, the Panevėžys Regional Court questioned the last two witnesses in the case, the parents of victim L. Stankūnaitė, at a remote hearing. They joined the meeting from the Kaunas Regional Court meeting room, the court announced.

The witnesses told about his relationship with his granddaughter, what they know about her current and current psychological well-being, about the events of that time and other circumstances important to the court.

After two hours of questioning witnesses, the defendant N. Venckienė began to testify in court. He claimed that he did not plead guilty to any of the criminal charges against him.

On Friday, the defendant was able to give explanations to the court only on some of the charges against him, answering questions related to them by the participants in the process.

The court will continue to hear the testimony of N. Venckienė on March 10.

Ms. Venckienė is charged with four criminal offenses: obstruction of the bailiff’s activities, resisting an official, beatings or minor damage to health, failure to carry out a judicial decision not related to the sanction.

She alleges that she did not use violence during the events of May 2012, when, in execution of the judicial decision, the officials took her young daughter from her family home and handed her over to her mother L. Stankūnaitė. According to N. Venckienė, violence was used both against her and against the daughter of L. Stankūnaitė.

N. Venckienė was one of the most important participants of the so-called Garliava events.

On October 5, 2009, Judge Jonas Furmanavičius, who was going to work, was shot and killed in Kaunas. On the same day, L. Stankūnaitė’s sister, Violeta Naruševičienė, was killed near the house. Prosecutors concluded that the murders may have been committed by Drąsius Kedys, a brother of N. Venckienė.

D. Kedys accused V. Naruševičienė of allowing her and the young daughter of L. Stankūnaitė and her cousin, the young daughter of V. Naruševičienė, to be abused. J. Furmanavičius and Andrius Ūs were accused by a Kaunas resident of pedophilia. All the courts acquitted A. Ūsa.

The body of D. Kednis, who was in hiding after the massacre, was found in April 2010 near the Kaunas lagoon. Later, A. Ūsas was found dead. Law enforcement officials say they died without violence.

N. Venckienė cared for her granddaughter for a long time, did not carry out the court decisions to hand her over to her mother L. Stankūnaitė. The girl was taken from her aunt’s house in Garliava after officials intervened.

In the case pending before the Panevėžys Regional Court, four people were recognized as victims, they have filed a civil lawsuit for a total of 100 thousand. EUR: L. Stankūnaitė has submitted a claim for 20 thousand euros. moral damage, his daughter – 50 thousand. EUR, a police officer – 2 thousand. EUR, and the bailiff – almost 29 thousand. euro stock.
