He said what protective equipment will be required in beauty salons: simple masks will not be enough


The National Public Health Center (NVSC), which has provided training to professionals in the field, said respirators are becoming a mandatory tool for salon workers when it is impossible to maintain a safe distance.

Clients should wear mouth and nose PPE at this time, which should fit snugly and completely cover the nose and mouth. These devices should be used by everyone over 6 years of age. persons, unless the service cannot be provided to the masked customer.

According to Jolita Pirmaitytė-Vilesko, chief specialist of the Public Health Safety Division of the Vilnius Department of the NVSC, employees are advised to deal with respirators in advance.

“If the service lasts longer, customers should be reminded of the need to pick up more than one mask or offered to change a medical mask at a salon. It is also recommended to buy them in advance, ”he said.

Respirator personnel should be changed at least every 4 hours. They also need to be replaced when they get dirty, become difficult to breathe, and can be worn for up to 8 hours.

The specialist said that the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control recommends the use of respirators with a Class 2 or Class 3 FFP2 or FFP3 particulate filter when in close contact (less than 2 meters) with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 disease.

It is also recommended to wear eye protection, disposable gloves that are changed at least after each service. It is emphasized that face shields do not protect the respiratory tract and should not be used in place of masks or respirators. An exception can be made according to the instructions in the Operations Manual, which defines the use of masks for people with medical conditions. In this case, at least one protective screen must be used.

Beauty salon

Disappointing will not leave

It is also anticipated that clients with acute signs of upper respiratory disease (runny nose, cough, sneezing, shortness of breath) will not be admitted to service sites.

In addition, it is mandatory to constantly monitor the health of your employees, measuring the temperature every time you get to work. It is forbidden to work for people for whom isolation is mandatory. Among other things, it is recommended to monitor the status of customers and measure their temperature.

Believing in the recommendations, NVSC specialists noted at the same time that in other countries the procedure is even more strict. Here in Belgium, clients have to wait outside, clients cannot wear cloth face masks. Staff are also required to wear respirators here, and magazines and food are not available to customers.

At that time, beauty salons cannot operate in the UK, Ireland or Germany, and Norway does not allow the provision of services that require close face-to-face contact.

In Poland, however, workplaces must be separated by at least 1.5 m, unless separated by a partition at least 2 m high from the floor surface.

In Austria, beauty salons can only be used by customers who have a negative COVID-19 test.

At the same time, public health experts recalled that the greatest risk of contracting infectious diseases is in procedures that can damage the skin or mucous membranes and come into contact with the blood or other body fluids of another person. Beauty salons can infect diseases or their agents such as hepatitis, HIV, scabies, pediculosis, staphylococci or Candida albicans bacteria

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Will perform inspections

NVSC has already announced that companies will be periodically inspected for compliance with quarantine measures starting this week. Priority will be given to those economic activities that, once the restrictions to the quarantine regime are lifted, can resume their activities.

NVSC reports that inspections have been conducted at the companies since February 15, when some stores and services were allowed to resume operations. According to the NVSC, companies will not be notified of the inspection in advance; they will be selected in an unplanned random order.

The inspections will be carried out in cooperation with municipal administrations, the Police Department and the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS). Inspections across the country of compliance with quarantine restrictions by compliant companies will be organized and coordinated.

The tv3.lt portal recalls that as of February 15, trade in non-food products in foreign conditions and the trade in flowers both abroad and indoors were renewed in the country. It is also allowed to provide personalized services when contact is only possible between a service provider and a service recipient. Individual outdoor physical activities are also allowed. They will be provided by both the coach and the instructor.

Strict quarantine restrictions must be observed for specialists providing individual services – 20 m2 M. m of service area or for providing services to a single client, if performed in a smaller room. If the duration of the services between the service provider and the recipient is up to 15 minutes, a service area of ​​10 m2 per visitor must be guaranteed.

365 new cases

Coronavirus data for Thursday. It turns out that 365 COVID-19 cases and 11 deaths were detected per day. This information is reported daily by Statistics Lithuania.

The Department of Statistics also reports that currently the number of new cases in 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants is 238.8.

A total of 192,000 have been identified since the start of the pandemic. 193 COVID-19 case. Currently, 8 thousand are sick. 811 people. The number of recovered – 176 thousand. 925.

The number of people whose death on the death certificate was the main cause of coronavirus was 3129. The number of cases in which people died not from coronavirus but the infection was of great importance was 5391. In Lithuania, 6075 were not deaths by coronavirus.

In Lithuania, when vaccination against the coronavirus began, 106 thousand people were already vaccinated with the first dose. 894 people. The second dose of the vaccine has already received 58 thousand. 988 people.
