The Seimas Board sent Pavilionis to Sakartvelas to help resolve the political crisis


Until now, due to the pandemic, business trips for Seimas members were prohibited, so it was necessary to modify the current regulations and make an exception for the head of the CEC.

To Tbilisi Ž. The pavilion leaves on Friday.

He hopes to mediate between the conflicting parties at this time.

“I have a personal past from the time of President Adamkus, I myself led the Sakartvel group in the former Seimas, I have many friends everywhere, I will try to reconcile them as much as possible,” the committee said. the president told BNS on Thursday.

Our ambassador was the first to go to the headquarters of the United National Movement, where all the opposition was concentrated and wanted to be attacked by special forces, covering his body with his body, which has not happened yet, without even knowing what could happen. . it will happen tonight, “he said.

Ž. The pavilion said it intended to meet with both the ruler and the opposition in Tbilisi. I was looking forward to speaking with President Salome Zurabishvili. According to the parliamentarian, Sakartvelas politicians listen to the opinion of Lithuanian representatives.

“We will sit together and look for solutions. Because if Sakartwell is really going to join the European Union and NATO, (…) then, putting each other in prisons, they will definitely not get there. They must learn the Lithuanian lesson of that, for strategic purposes, the position and the opposition must work together ”, Ž. Pabellón.

The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Thursday that it was concerned about the political situation in Sakartvele.

According to the statement, the decision of the Sakartwell parliament to waive the legal immunity of Nikanor Melia, leader of the main opposition party, the United National Movement, and the possible arrest of the politician “reduces the possibility of dialogue between the ruling party and the opposition, raises questions about selective justice

“We urge our Sakartvele partners to move away from the red lines and take the opportunity to reduce the situation and find solutions to normalize the situation and return to a constructive political dialogue,” Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said, according to the report. .

Sacartwell Prime Minister Georgy Gachary announced Thursday that he was resigning over plans to enforce a court ruling and arrest the leader of the opposition United National Movement.

On the eve, the Tbilisi City Court granted the prosecutor’s request to change the warrant for the pre-trial detention of Melia, who had lost her legal immunity, to arrest her.

He was asked to wear an electronic surveillance device, a bracelet, on a regular basis during the pre-trial investigation into the organization of the June 20, 2019 riots, when hundreds of radical opponents attempted to invade parliament.

In October of last year, Meliá was reelected to parliament. At one of the opposition rallies on November 1, he publicly removed an electronic bracelet and threw it into the crowd. As a result of these actions, the court reviewed the previous decision in November and increased the bond, but the opposition leader did not comply with the court’s decision.
