Outdoor Masking Requirement – Experts Agree It Was Over The Top From The Beginning


Distance and ventilation are more important

Rimas Jankūnas, professor at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) and doctor of biomedical sciences, who attended the meeting of the Advisory Council of Independent Experts on the Use of Masks, said that he suggested abandoning the use of masks in the air free.

He said his position not to wear masks in the field is based on numerous scientific papers.

“The risk of infection comes from prolonged contact. If we pass through the street, even if there is not the required distance, even for a few seconds, there is no risk of becoming infected there, ”said R. Jankūnas.

The interlocutor of the program emphasized that people focus on meeting the requirements where they really need them.

R. Jankūnas said that such a strict obligation to wear masks exists only in Lithuania.

“The context of our region is the opposite, it is easier everywhere. Even in Poland, it’s a bit freer, ”he said.

It is stated that in Latvia protective masks should be worn in all enclosed spaces when there is more than one person. In Poland, as in Lithuania, masks must be worn in all public places, but there are exceptions: parks, beaches, and forests are places where masks can be worn.

LSMU professor R. Jankūnas emphasized that the main problem is close and long-term contact.

“Masks are needed just as they are and where they are needed. If we wear masks outdoors, they don’t give away anything, they just cause annoyance. If we put a tissue on our nose at people’s gatherings, then we are fooling ourselves. Distance is more important than a mask, ”emphasized R. Jankūnas.

The interlocutor said that even after the introduction of the instruction to wear masks in all public places, both indoors and outdoors, last spring, there was no logical basis.

“The masks in the field, after rejecting risky situations, never had a basis,” he said.

“It just came to our attention then. The critical problem inside is accent-free ventilation, it must be orderly, the air does not have to stay inside for long. And why is there no such requirement when a company comes up? Let those who manage ventilation open up, people flow and risk is significantly reduced, ”said LSMU professor R. Jankūnas.

Associative photo.

Associative photo.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The claim was excessive from the beginning

Professor Dainius Martuzevičius from Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) also agreed with the position expressed by R. Jankūnas on the radio news program “Question of the Day”.

He recalled that this procedure was introduced for the first time to avoid ambiguities.

“It just came to our knowledge then. If we remember when that requirement was introduced. I already said then that it was a bit too strict because the greatest risk of getting infected is indoors. And outdoors, the chances of getting infected are low. The requirement so it happened because everyone would put on those masks at the same time and at the same time, the requirement was introduced that there would be no interpretations, ”recalled KTU professor D. Martuzevičius about the events of last spring.

“What we see now is how epidemiology occurs when there are greater distances, masks are no longer necessary, I agree. May the people be safe. And if there is a larger meeting, you should use these products, “he explained.

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, has been repeatedly seen in public wearing two protective masks, an idea also proposed by the member of the Seimas, the Social Democrats Rasa Budbergytė.

A KTU professor said that the second mask simply ensures that the first one will be pressed correctly.

“It’s about if we put the mask on correctly, if we put it on correctly, the second mask will not help much anymore. The second mask presses the first one better against the face and protects us better. If someone wears two masks, it is better to buy one. respirator, “said D. Matuzevičius.

“There is no need to feel martyred”

Political reviewer Vladimir Laučius said he trusted the experts’ instructions.

“I don’t think masks are a big problem that should make you feel like a martyr,” V. Laučius said on the radio news program.

He recalled that in some European countries, for example, it is already prescribed to use only indoor respirators and not medical or cloth masks.
