Disappointed by the handling of the pandemic, J. Sadauskienė moved her work to Hong Kong: “Lithuania is not safe” | Names


Jolanda Sadauskienė raised her wings to Hong Kong in November 2020, where she also met the great parties of the year. The woman with coronavirus says she made this decision because she no longer saw the point of sitting in Lithuania during the peak of the pandemic, where the situation was only getting worse at the time. According to Jolanta, it’s not safe for those who don’t get sick here, and those who do get sick have to bear the consequences of fighting COVID-19 bugs.

“It was clear that the second wave will be terrible and life in Lithuania will begin. Since we cannot remove the masks from the models who came to our offices in Lithuania, we have to make logical decisions and orient the business in a different way, explained the interlocutor. reasons to move the office of the decision-making agency abroad “On the other hand, the situation is always better seen from the side.”

J.Sadauskienė is glad that moving to work in another country has opened up more opportunities. This is a good time to develop new activities and expand, says the head of the modeling agency.

“We have expanded our international network and have become an international team. Currently, there is a lot of intensive work in our new areas of activity, so we expect a strong expansion of our divisions in many countries of the world,” he said.

Personal album photo album / Jolanta Sadauskienė

Personal album photo album / Jolanta Sadauskienė

Praises Hong Kong for its ability to manage the pandemic

Why did J.Sadauskienė choose Hong Kong? In addition to knowing the burgeoning fashion market here, the interlocutor emphasizes how he handles the pandemic.

“Hong Kong, like the rest of Asia, is currently the safest because those countries have experience in handling the virus,” Jolanta said.

However, now she will not have easy access to Hong Kong: the country’s borders have been closed to tourists since March 2020. Jolanta was successful because it was for work reasons and she received a work visa.

The woman who arrived had to isolate herself for two weeks. In addition, a coronavirus test was required on the 12th day of arrival and stay. Now the rules have been tightened even more: isolation is required for three weeks and only in the hotels provided by the government, and the tests are carried out not only on the 12th day of arrival and also on the 19th day of stay.

Jolanta says the threat of a coronavirus is taken very seriously in Hong Kong and there has been no talk of further releases so far.

People have been wearing masks both outdoors and indoors since February 2020, and permission to walk without them has never been granted. Restaurants are only open until 6:00 PM and a maximum of two people can be served at one table. Events, contests, any public gathering are prohibited.

“It’s good for me to see you gaudo virus. After confirming at least one case in the place of residence, is turned off the entire district and residents are forcibly searched. Only after receiving a negative test that confirms the possession of antibodies is allowed to leave the place of residence “, said J. Sadauskienė.

She noted that people here are reluctant to oppose bans; they react calmly, they trust the government. It is true that the rules are not the same everywhere, in some places you can relax from a pandemic.

“Because it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world with almost 300 islands, an ocean, a great climate, there is always a place to escape the virus. Every weekend, yacht traffic is as high as car traffic, because there are lower restrictions on the water, meetings are allowed, ”explained J. Saduskienė, who does not miss the opportunity to swim during his stay in Hong Kong.

Personal album photo album / Jolanta Sadauskienė

Personal album photo album / Jolanta Sadauskienė

It is surprising why people are returned to educational institutions in Lithuania during the pandemic.

Jolanta – of those people who do not spare criticism of the government and say with courage what they think. A woman who is surprised by the current situation in our country from abroad says that Lithuania, unlike Hong Kong, took strict measures against the coronavirus too late.

“I admire the decisions of our new government, which the previous one did not take on time. This would be done in September. Well, it was necessary to buy those uniforms, return the students to the schools, do all the competitions and events. So now we have what we have. ” 15 minutes J.Sadauskienė said.

However, while welcoming the tightening introduced by the current government, it is concerned that the premature release from quarantine could make the situation worse again. Jolanta does not understand why, instead of continuing with distance learning, pupils and students are preparing to return to institutions. And in Hong Kong, for example, they are closed until the end of the school year.

“I am very scared that Lithuania prioritizes hybrid education. Most of the world does not even intend to renew the old model of physical learning in the next few years, because they realize that young people will not be controlled by communication. , the meeting The cost of science and sport is paid by people’s health and lives.

After all, young people will not become a priority for vaccination and will gather in scientific institutions to share all possible versions of the virus. It is a great horror and I am happy with our models who study in prestigious universities abroad, where their health is valued more than the student basket that educational institutions receive, ”said Jolanta.

Moments from the life of Jolanta Sadauskienė in Hong Kong – in the gallery:

Call not to be afraid to travel

“What are you scared of? It is necessary to be afraid of being in Lithuania”, – J.Sadauskienė was surprised when asked about some fears of going abroad during the quarantine.

A woman with coronavirus is of the opinion that even getting infected while in Lithuania is a worse option than getting sick while visiting abroad.

“Are you sick? Well, he will wait for complications and then maybe he will take you to the hospital. Anyway, maybe you call to ask if he is alive, the interlocutor did not avoid criticizing the health system of our country.” Because rescuing to drowning is a drowning issue, it’s best to drown where you don’t have to wait for complications to get treatment. “

Asked about the current situation in the world of fashion, Jolanta said: “Fashion exists both during wars and in epidemics, because the search for beauty is encoded in human nature” and whatever the patriots are.

“From my sad experience with the coronavirus, I sincerely recommend our models to make the most of quarantine and dive into safer, more beautiful and fully functioning markets.

Parents of our models feel much safer when their children continue their careers as far away from Lithuania as possible, and the models may require distance learning, because being in a safe and healthy environment is an essential human need, ”said J. Saduskienė.

Personal album photo album / Jolanta Sadauskienė

Personal album photo album / Jolanta Sadauskienė

No overdue ticket yet

Advocating for strict measures for the management of the pandemic, J. Sadauskien cua says that the quarantine should not be seen as a suffering, but as a gift.

“Lithuanians in general are lovers of suffering. They need communication, they are not very good at adapting and accepting challenges. But for me, quarantine is a gift of time for me, when there is no need to go anywhere, no one can go. to you, you can absolutely concentrate on whatever you want: work, science, self-education, movies, sports. This is a moment of self-improvement! “- the woman described the current period.

She also mentions different time zones as an opportunity to spend more time with herself. After all, when there is a night in Lithuania, a day in Hong Kong: “Learn to focus on a certain number of hours and organize work for everyone so that you can enjoy the sun, good weather and sports.”

Therefore, Jolanta not only works abroad, but also spends her free time significantly: she improves her fortune-telling skills, enjoys long walks.

“It just came to our knowledge then terrible lover of the sun and the sea, that’s why I take every opportunity to enjoy it ”, the woman smiled.

When he returns to Lithuania, he still doesn’t know. He says that he will take into account the situation in Lithuania.

“Because the word ‘plan’ in the context of the coronavirus now sounds absolutely strange,” sighed J. Saduskienė.
