Vytautas Landsbergis became an honorary citizen of Vilnius: no politician in the capital had questions


Teacher. V. Landsbergis has already become the 18th honorary citizen of Vilnius.

Before the meeting, R. Šimašius said that V. Landsbergis was nominated for the title of Honorary Citizen of Vilnius because being the then head of the country and even earlier, the leader of the Sąjūdis, he embodied the wave that led Lithuania to independence. .

“Without the efforts and courage of this man three decades ago, Vilnius and Lithuania would be different today, if at all,” the mayor presented the idea.

Nobody had questions

Those victories were especially important for Vilnius, as they returned Vilnius to the ranks of the European capital.

During the meeting, R. Šimašius said that V. Landsbergis played an important role even before Lithuania regained its independence.

“Those victories were especially important for Vilnius, as they returned Vilnius to the ranks of the European capital. I must emphasize that this honorary title for V. Landsbergs is also an acknowledgment of all the people who were fighting for the independence of Lithuania at that time. They are both those who died on January 13 and those who have had the courage from a much older time, since 1986, to start lifting that wave that led us to Independence.

I will rejoice once more that we can cross certain political ditches, scrutinizing what is important and what is not so important, although we always get sharp speeches from sharp and vulgar politicians that some like it and some don’t. . But looking from a 30-year perspective, and then from an even greater perspective, we can really refine what is most important, ”said the mayor.

Photo by Olga Posaškova / lrs.lt/ Vytautas Landsbergis

Photo by Olga Posaškova / lrs.lt/ Vytautas Landsbergis

None of the council members had questions about the proposal or the personality; both the presentation and the final decision were approved unanimously. It is not known when V. Landsbergis will be honored as an honorary citizen of Vilnius.

As the mayor said, perhaps then it is already possible to be without masks.

You received an alternative offer

Before the meeting, R.Šimašius emphasized that the established tradition in the Western world, which is also often followed in Vilnius, is that the title of honorary citizen is basically awarded to one person and is generally a living person.

Last week, the Vilnius section of the Labor Party presented an alternative, offering to give this name to all the victims of January 13.

According to the head of the department, Ieva Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė, perhaps an active politician should not become an honorary citizen.

He assured that the “workers” were not against the candidacy of V. Landsbergis, but that he saw a greater sense in honoring the people who died on January 13 in Vilnius.

Read more about your proposal and the mayor’s response here: R.Šimašius’s desire to declare V. Landsbergis an honorary citizen of Vilnius is not for everyone: the “workers” have their own offer.
