The government has drawn up a plan for the most affected companies: the amount of the benefit will depend on the taxes paid


It will depend on the GPM paid and the drop in profits

The draft grant document for the companies most affected by COVID-19 explained that companies should compare the turnover for the period 2020-11-01-2021-01-31 with the average turnover of a month for the corresponding period 2019-2020 .

The Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė stated that this is the last measure of the second package, which has not yet been approved.

“We are delighted to present it. Most importantly, we associate support with the suffering of those whose billing has dropped by 60%. and more, those companies can expect support if they are on the victim list.

We are talking about the sector of catering, catering, tourism, sports clubs, commerce, the organization of events, cinemas, other leisure and entertainment spaces, playrooms for children, etc. ”Said A. Armonaitė.

He explained that the amount of the subsidy would depend on the decline in turnover.

As in previous measures, of taxes paid in relation to 2019. GPM paid. Businesses will be able to use this help to pay rent and utilities. It is important to mention that there is a grant limit, if an owner owns more than one company, the limit is available for the entire network ”, he said, and said that the minimum possible amount of aid will be 500 euros and the amount of Support per entity will not exceed 1.8 million. EUR.

“If the turnover has fallen by 61%, it is possible to obtain a 61%. paid GPM, and if 70%, then 70%. 2019 GPM paid, ”he said.

It was also indicated that the support will be available for those companies whose profit in 2020 compared to the profit in 2019 has decreased by at least 60%, and the number of employees must have decreased by no more than 49%.

Divided into two alternatives

There are two options for joint support. 1st, according to section 3.1 of the Communication) and 2nd, according to section 3.12 of the Communication. The companies most affected by the pandemic will be able to choose the calculation of the benefit under two alternatives.

The government has drawn up a plan for the most affected companies: the amount of the benefit will depend on the taxes paid

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In the first case, the profit will be calculated on the basis of the GPM paid in 2019 and will amount to at least 60%. GPM. The one-time subsidy will amount to at least 500 euros, the maximum possible amount is 100 thousand. euros.

The second alternative is for companies that have already exhausted 800 thousand. State aid limit of 1 000 000 EUR, as in this case the aid will no longer be accumulated. The intensity of the support will not depend on the reduction in turnover, but on unpaid fixed costs, such as rent bills, utilities, etc. The grant will not exceed 70%. it does not cover fixed costs and should not exceed 90% for micro and small businesses. Fixed costs discovered. The aforementioned 2021 February 1, 2021 April 30 period costs. The maximum amount of the subsidy may also reach 100,000. euros.

This measure has not yet been agreed with the European Commission.

Vainienė offers lower indicators: we take care of the self-cartel

Rūta Vainienė, director of the Lithuanian Trade Companies Association, proposed to relax the criteria applied.

“This is a fixed cost compensation measure that is allowed by the EC Communication, and it is very clear that it no longer has the criteria of employees, income and assets, which everyone can claim. However, our proposal would be to bring the design of this instrument closer to the criteria established in the communication. Adding additional criteria of ourselves as if it were a car-poster. The support will go to all those companies that lie and do not resuscitate ”, said R. Vainienė.

He said he didn’t understand why a derived profit ratio was needed, which companies could adjust to include various costs.

“We observed the fall in the turnover in one period, then the profits, in another”, R. Vainienė was surprised.

He also criticized the 60% target. the requirement to reduce income is very high.

“60 percent. The drop in billing is a lot. And communication allows 30%. Is it really only that 60 percent? Is it worth supporting them when, when possible, when it’s time to pay taxes, it’s possible may they not resurrect, ”said R. Vainienė.

He stressed that help is needed for companies that will be able to pay taxes, get up and start working.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė also spoke about the support.

“We are talking about those companies that do not even have one foot; if they can, they will probably work with only one finger.” And really, that support is probably much more useful than for those companies that have at least one foot, ”said I. Šimonytė.

According to the Prime Minister, support is provided to those companies whose opening prospects are not in weekly or monthly installments.

In total – 150 million. EUR

Delfi recalls that in addition to this new measure, the second business support package prepared by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation includes three other measures: support for individual employees, employee tests and market tax compensation, which have already been approved by the Government.

$ 30 million is allocated to support individual workers. euros. This grant will amount to 100%. Personal income tax (PIT) paid in 2019. The minimum amount of support will be 100 euros and the ceiling of the subsidy is almost 22 thousand. euros.

The benefit will be a lump sum and will be in addition to the current payment of 260 EUR transferred to the Employment Service.

Small and medium-sized companies will receive 30 million euros to test for coronavirus. euros. A compensation of EUR 12 is foreseen for a rapid serological antibody test or rapid antigen test. The goal of this measure is to allow companies to get back to work more quickly and smoothly.

2 million are foreseen for the compensation of the market tax. The aid for a non-food trader will amount to 300 EUR. It is estimated that this lump sum will allow merchants in the market to cover the cost of renting a two-month point of sale.

The total amount planned for this package is 150 million. euros. Currently, companies can benefit from the measures of the first business support package: grants and soft loans, which have been allocated € 150 million and € 30 million respectively. euros. Combining the first and second business assistance packages, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation will allocate a solid 330 million to help businesses. euros.

Support for the second package will be distributed until 2021. June 30th.

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