Skrernell’s harsh criticism: movement restrictions seem illogical at the moment


“It just came to our knowledge then. This is a different situation than the spring, of March, what we and practically all the states were doing, because then it was not clear what was here through the virus, how to combat it or how to treat As a result, the traditional way of preventing viral and infectious diseases has been chosen: it is a strict quarantine, “he told Knowledge Radio on Wednesday.

According to S. Skvernelis, “both the uncertainty of the strict quarantine and the restriction of movement between municipalities seem really illogical at this time.”

“But the government has chosen this path, because in case of quarantine, everything is secured. In fact, it is not possible for such a spread (COVID-19 – ELTA) to occur because the entire state is closed. But we won’t live that long, “he said.

According to the former prime minister, it was not appropriate to use the same measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus that were used during the first quarantine in the spring.

“It just came to our knowledge then. It was not necessary to look at it in such a way that we would do the same as the government did in the spring. (…) In this case, we had to take into account what we have seen, that we have done some things in excess, especially in terms of small and medium-sized companies, services, their limitation, where the logic really had to be sought. And now we see the same arguments, “he said.

S. Skvernel also points out that it is difficult for support to reach the business affected by the COVDI-19 pandemic.

“If you remember the spring, two weeks later there was support for business, albeit a little slower (compared to ELTA), what emotions and passions boiled over. Now we are talking about the second, third and fourth packages (commercial support – ELTA), But when we look at it, the support doesn’t really make it to the business, ”he said.

ELTA recalls that last Wednesday the government eased the quarantine restrictions: it allowed the resumption of activities for shops, beauty salons and hairdressers with independent entrance from the outside.

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