Relevant for travelers: arrival control from Poland introduced


“It will be checked whether those traveling from the Polish side have filled in the traveler information and had a test run, as is currently being checked at airports,” A. Bilotaitė announced after the WESC meeting.

Officials from the State Border Guard Service (SBGS), who have already participated in inspections at airports and seaports in the state of Klaipeda, will help staff from the National Public Health Center (NVSC) to ensure control of those who cross the border.

“The purpose is to verify all the people who enter or return, if they are registered with the NVSC, if they have the codes that confirm it and if the necessary data has been provided. If a person does not have a website, we will try to complete it on the spot with the help of NVSC, and if it is malicious, we will apply the types of liability provided for in the Code of Administrative Offenses ”, said Antanas Montvydas, Deputy Commander of the SBGS.

Since last week, these types of inspections have already been carried out at airports and seaports.

All travelers coming from abroad must have a negative COVID-19 test result within 48 hours. prior to arrival, or to carry out an investigation upon arrival in Lithuania and isolate yourself for 14 days with the possibility of shortening the isolation, at your own expense, on the 10th day after the investigation.

They must also have completed the National Center for Public Health questionnaires.

All arrivals must be isolated.

“To the knowledge of our officials, it takes about ten seconds to verify a person. We found that the number of people who did not register on the NVSC website is only about 5%, we did not have any major problems except the Friday, when two flights from Tenerife arrived at the same time, almost 300 passengers, ”said A. Montvydas.

You can find all the rules for those coming to Lithuania here: Isolation time for travelers is shortened; the number of countries where stricter conditions must be met is declining
