CityBee Customer Data Stolen From Three Years Business


“From what has been announced and identified by cybersecurity experts, we see that the data of customers who have registered with CityBee before February 22, 2018 is available to a limited number of people. Their first and last names have been published and personal identification numbers, “said Kristijonas Kaikaris, director of CityBee.

CityBee informed the Lithuanian police after receiving information about the illegal disclosure of data, in which third parties are suspected of being involved.

The company’s clients are also informed about the incident.

“The company is doing its best to remove the posted data from the overseas registered forum where it was uploaded,” the report says.

K.Kaikaris emphasized that this illegal disclosure of customer data will not affect the security of CityBee customer accounts or its financial services.

“Passwords used by customers are carefully protected and have not been made public, and the additional security feature of the CityBee Passcode application, which was installed since January 1 this year, ensures the highest level of protection for our clients’ accounts, “K. Kaikaris stated.

He also emphasized that criminals do not have access to financial services for CityBee clients, as the company does not collect information related to clients’ payment methods.

CityBee is currently investigating how your old customer data may have been misappropriated. The company also prepares information for all interested institutions, including the State Data Protection Inspectorate.

CityBee operates in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland. The fleet managed by the company consists of more than 2,000. vehicles, the company has more than 750 thousand. registered customer base.
