Klaipeda customs officials stopped counterfeit tires: damage exceeded 2 million


A representative of the German company Daimler AG was informed about the possible counterfeiting of the AMG brand. It confirmed that the seized assets infringed intellectual property rights and requested their destruction. According to the data provided by the authorized representative of the AMG brand, the damage caused to the owner of the brand by the sale of said goods on the European Union market would amount to 2,230,400 euros.

By implementing the 2013 June 12 Regulation (EU) No. 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation (EU) No. 608/2013 on customs enforcement of intellectual property rights destroys counterfeit goods that have not been marketed. Article 125 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania. 1 d. provides for a fine of between 280 and 600 euros for the possession or transportation of illegally branded goods with a foreign brand for commercial purposes.

The protection of intellectual property rights is one of the priorities of the European Commission and the EU Member States. The competitiveness of companies throughout Europe and the security of the internal market are directly related to the success of the protection of intellectual property rights. Counterfeiting not only infringes on intellectual property rights, but promotes the underground economy, these products can pose a direct threat to consumer safety and health. This is especially relevant when it comes to food supplements, cosmetics, drugs, medical products, toys.

In 2020, officials from the Klaipėda Territorial Customs carried out 12 investigations into possible infringements of intellectual property rights, mainly due to counterfeiting of toys. More than 39,300 units were destroyed. counterfeit products. If these products had been placed on the market and marketed as original products, the damage to the trade mark owners would have exceeded € 564,000.
