Bilotaitė: Road control in the direction of Poland will start on Wednesday


“It will be checked whether those traveling from Poland have filled in the traveler’s information and have carried out a test, as is currently being verified at airports,” Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė announced on Facebook after the meeting of the Committee on Government emergency.

Later, during a press conference, he announced that controls on arrivals from Poland by car would be tightened from 8 am on Wednesday.

Officials from the State Border Guard Service (SBGS), who are also currently involved in inspections at Klaipeda state airports and seaports, will help staff from the National Public Health Center (NVSC) to ensure control of those who go to the border.

“Since February 17, the NVSC has the task of organizing greater control of compliance with the quarantine regime at the internal border of the European Union, where we come to the aid of the NVSC, at least two of our mobile patrols, as well as the police forces, “Deputy Commander Antanas Montvydas told a press conference.

“The purpose is to verify all the people who arrive or return, if they are registered with the NVSC, if they have the codes that confirm it and if the necessary data has been provided. If a person does not have a completed website, we will try to complete it in the act with the help of the NVSC, and if it is malicious, we will apply the types of responsibility provided in the Code of Administrative Offenses “. said A. Montvydas.

According to him, since February 8, border guards have been participating in the arrival control at the airports and the Klaipeda sea port, usually most of the passengers have pre-filled the NVSC form and the control of a person takes about ten seconds.

“According to the knowledge of our officials, it takes about ten seconds to verify a person. We found that the number of people who did not register on the NVSC website is only about 5%, we did not have any major problems except the Friday, when two flights arrived from Tenerife at the same time. Almost 300 passengers, “said A. Montvydas.
