The relaxed quarantine has not comforted the market traders: it is sending a message to the Government


He sent a message

People who trade in the pavilions of the industrial goods market have purchased business licenses. Like other small entrepreneurs, they hoped to get to work today, but it turned out they couldn’t. Traders who call the release from quarantine a mockery say they no longer intend to remain silent and prepare lawsuits for the court.

Therefore, the merchants of the Central Market of Panevėžys sent a message (posters, inscriptions) to the Government of the country. The inscriptions on the posters, which were placed in the empty spaces of the market, testify that the market traders were injured. They say: “Nobody listens little”, “Why us? Because the great ones DO NOT touch! “,” Experts, where in the field is the virus? “

In addition, the government is asked when was the last time the market was open. One answer: before the elections and the other only in a dream.

The ruling is misleading

Asta Pačekajūtė, director of the Central Market of Panevėžys, explained to the JP news portal that the resolution passed by the government did not open the market doors and non-food traders will not be able to trade.

“The resolution is worded in such a way that, reading at the beginning, I believe that by easing the quarantine in the markets, trade is possible. However, including it, it turns out that there are a number of restrictions on how small entrepreneurs can trade industrial goods. They should trade from the tables or set up a temporary tent and trade from there. Although our markets have pavilions with lift doors on the outside under the roofs, although they all have a separate exit, there is no trade, ”explained A. Pačekajūtė.

I was hoping I could trade

According to the manager, as soon as the information was published that from February 15 the trade would be free, the market traders gathered at the Central Market and hoped to prepare the trading venues for a possible trade.

“It just came to our attention then. Unless they set up temporary commercial facilities, such as stalls, stalls or tents, to trade non-food products. The Panevėžys market traders did not understand such a relaxation of trade and considered that the government representatives from the country had been in the market for a long time and they didn’t see how they had changed, which pavilions had been built for trade, “he said. A. Pačekajūtė, director of the central market of Panevėžys.

In a desperate position

The market chief was shocked by the proposals in the government resolution why non-food traders should install temporary trading facilities and not trade from rented pavilions with lift doors.

“The authorities have probably been in the market for a long time and they haven’t seen what has changed in them. Such a resolution is to install temporary commercial facilities for commerce, set up tables or a temporary tent, and go back to the Stone Age.

Market traders have not been open for the third month, for some the market is their only source of livelihood. A grandmother who sells her knitted gloves asks what to do and how to survive. What can I answer you? We do not pass or adjust laws, ”continued A. Pačekajūtė.
