A woman who has lost her job during a pandemic cannot even buy medicine due to her husband’s debts – bailiffs are authorized by law


The woman said she had no debts before the marriage, but the man did. Therefore, he said, according to the current law in Lithuania, if the wife is employed, the husband also claims a part of her salary.

“The bailiffs then go to the employers and send a letter asking them to send them a certain amount of money. I am currently unemployed and have a bailiff, who, in popular words, “put” less than 700 euros. I contacted her a couple of weeks ago and informed her that at this time covid I lost my job and enrolled in the Employment Service, from which I only receive social benefits ”.

She also said that she had sent a copy of her doctor’s transcript that she was currently required to buy medication because she was visiting a psychiatrist.

“I visit there because of all the current problems, because I experience a lot of stress and anxiety. At the time, I was told that the sheriff’s deputy had five business days not to unlock the account. Then I asked him what to do because the landlord kicked me out of the apartment and asked me for rent. I also indicated that I need medication to reduce anxiety. “

However, according to the woman, such arguments did not convince the sheriff’s deputy and she did not immediately take action to change the situation.

“We found out that she is also related to my husband, because my husband’s cousin is married to his sister. Everyone is angry, so we also suspect a certain malicious attitude and behavior towards our family.

I want you to reveal to me how, in a state governed by the rule of law, treating it as a welfare state, a person cannot buy the necessary drugs for mental health, as well as in case of a pandemic and an emergency situation in Lithuania . “

He added that he no longer knew how to talk to the owner of the apartment, as he had been promised that as soon as the social benefit “fell”, he would immediately transfer the rent money.

“I have been in debt for two months, at the same time that I need medicines. As you will understand, no one at the pharmacy will give them in exchange for nothing.”

When asked what area he worked in prior to the announced general quarantine, he replied that the salon manager also provided hair extension services.

“I did not opt ​​for benefits for victims of covid, because I have a time of service and I opted for a higher benefit to make life easier. It amounts to about 400 euros. So in my case, for some reason there is a time slot and an unblockable bill. “

The Lithuanian Chamber of Bailiffs presented its position

When Delfi was asked to comment on the woman’s situation, the Lithuanian Chamber of Marshals (LAR) stated that although Delfi’s reader requested anonymity, she was forced to take an interest in the debt collection process at the office the bailiff.

“You have to name some details because omitting them would mean an open way to spread lies and slander.

Why was the woman’s account arrested? Because your spouse, who has accumulated several dozen outstanding debts (mostly including compensation for crime victims), does not pay these debts. The law allows the recovery of the debts of one spouse from the funds of the other spouse, provided that these funds are not his personal property (property acquired separately before marriage, inheritance or personal gift, monetary compensation for damage to health and other specific cash benefits that cannot be transferred to others).). These spouses were offered to petition the court for the division of the property so that the recovery of the debts could be directed to a specific part of the property that belongs to the debtor. However, this procedure has not yet been carried out.

Why isn’t the garnishment on the account lifted by sending a medical certificate to the bailiff? Because a deteriorating health condition does not eliminate a person’s monetary obligations. The bailiff must apply enforcement measures and seek to return to creditors as soon as possible their money that debtors do not return in good faith. The deputy sheriff’s allegation of ‘malice’ is false, as the deputy sheriff only performs his duties as required by law. “

A woman who has lost her job during a pandemic cannot even buy medicine due to her husband's debts - bailiffs are authorized by law

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Likewise, the LAR pointed out that for a woman to be able to benefit from her benefits and social allowances, documentation must be provided that proves the origin of the funds received: a certificate from the institution that grants the benefit and a bank statement for the last two months ( required by the bailiff to determine what other funds go to the socially supported person’s account and select the necessary recovery procedures).

“Knowing the origin of the funds, the bailiff has the possibility of determining the amount of free disposal in the Cash Restriction Information System (which corresponds to the amount of benefits and / or allowances received per month) and these funds are no longer used to cover debts, the account holder can use them.
The woman who ran for Delfi knows this very well: She has repeatedly provided sheriff’s certificates and bank statements as she receives various benefits and allowances, the amounts of which vary. You filed the latest Unemployment Insurance benefit documents on January 20, so the amount available for free in your account is increased once more (this must be done by the bailiff within 5 business days at most, but the LDS will set earlier if possible).

What hides the strong words about the rule of law? Only the attribution of rights to oneself and duties to others. Both spouses have recently returned from prisons. Their names are well known at the firm. The sheriff’s office has no record that they have tried at least a little benevolence to cover debts and settle accounts with the victims. On the contrary: the bank statements provided show that the funds are used not only for basic needs, but also for gambling ”, replied the LAR.

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