The 15-minute National Winter Tour has begun – questions can be found here Did you know?


Winter Quiz with Multiple Choice Answers

The questionnaire begins! The topic for questions 1-15 is WOMEN. Below is the first question. Good luck!

What was the name of the daughter of Duke Vytautas the Great?married to the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily I and became the Duchy of Moscow? The name comes from the Greek word “wisdom”.

“Baltic mythology. Ancient Lithuanians (…) and gods ”. “(…) Civilization: The world of old Europe”. These are the titles of the books of scientist Marija Gimbutienė. The same word is omitted in both names, just with different inflections. Which is the word?

Elena Jackevičaitė was the first woman to hold this position in interwar independent Lithuania. Now, according to the Department of Statistics, there are several times more women than men in these positions. What are these responsibilities?

The record number of women who participated in the same Lithuanian presidential elections was three. They were Dalia Grybauskaitė (she won the elections after the first round), Kazimira Danutė Prunskienė and Loreta Graužinienė. In what year did this election take place?

This Lithuanian diplomat in 2009 In 2015-2020, she was a joint candidate of the Baltic States for the post of Director-General of UNESCO. he was the Lithuanian ambassador to China. She is currently Head of the EU Delegation in Laos. Who is she?

She is a literary critic, theatologist, founder of the Open Lithuania Foundation and in 1993-1999. Chairman of the Board of the Fund. “Thanks to her, the dialogue between the Lithuanian and Jewish cultures was reestablished, an open and objective discussion about the tragedy of the Holocaust that he lived through,” he said after his death in 2020. Minister of Culture Mindaugas Kvietkauskas intervenes.
Who is she?

This film by director Maria Kavtaradze was recognized as the best in 2019 at the Silver Winches Film Awards. in a Lithuanian feature film, and Indrė Patkauskaitė, who plays a psychologist, was voted best actress for her role in the film. What is the name of a movie?

As the name suggests Dalia Ibelhauptaitė opera company with others, 2011 also acquired professional theater status? The company’s name is associated with the Giacomo Puccini opera they built.

The current Minister of Education and Science Jurgita Šiugždinienė 2017-2018. She was the temporary rector of one of the Lithuanian universities, the country’s first female rector. What university

Antanina Liorentaitė 1933 m. became the first woman in Lithuania … What? By the way, those around her jokingly called her “Antanas”, so it can be said that the tool she used to study, “ANBO-II”, suited her perfectly.

What responsibilities 1940-1941 Ona Šimaitė went to Vilnius University? These duties helped her save the Jews during the Holocaust.

She was both a performer of the first Lithuanian opera Birutė and the founder of the first Lithuanian bookstore in Vilnius in 1906, and later the royal director of its affairs. This Vilnius bookstore served as a Lithuanian stronghold until the Second World War. Who is she?

“Ten”. “The bohemian of a man”. “And tomorrow we will have to live again.” What writer, radio host wrote these books?

This group of three girls describes their style of music as “rap / trash / surf / soul”. The band released two albums and was nominated for two MAMA awards. Among the songs of the group are “Çavasara”, “Burbulas ir burbulienė”, “Hush”. What’s the name of the group?

This artist, creator of performances in 2015. Visitors to the ArtVilnius’15 art fair were chosen as the best artist for the performance “Yo soy tu sol”. After spending several years in London, he now lives in Panevėžys. Who is she?

You have passed a third of the questions in the quiz! The topic of questions 16-30 will be LOVE. You will see question 16 below.

Her first husband was Stanislovas Goštautas. Still, we know much better about the second man and his love story. Who is she?

“Look at the stars snowing / Summer, summer is full of flowers / I see my beloved / On a white horse pusny stars …” What is the name of the movie this aria plays in?

“Forget me”, “Come back” the author of the lyrics to these two popular Hyperbole songs about love is the same poet. Who is this poet?

Love is her name. She is a researcher on Lithuanian literature, a member of the Sąjūdis initiative group, a PhD in social sciences and a pioneer of Lithuanian educational reform. And what is your last name

This song was created in 1992, its English version of “The Way To You” was first played. But now the Lithuanian version is better known, the text of which was written by the poet Gintaras Patackas. What band created this song?

Elvyra and Algirdas Latėnai, 1978 After playing the couple in the movie “The Nutcracker”, they became a couple and have been together for more than 40 years. And what are the names of the couple you played in the movie?

This 2015 film, directed by Alante Kavaitė, tells the love story of two girls. The main character of the film has an unusual name, which, according to the VLKK nomenclature, dates from 1990-2018. It was administered only 9 times in Lithuania. That name is also mentioned in the movie’s title. What is that name

“When the moon sinks at night / Among the sparkling rings, / Do not ask for the name of love – / Thousands of names for her. What poet wrote these verses?

What is the name of Antanas Garšva’s beloved?, the wife of the engineer in Antanas Škėma’s novel “White Shroud”?

The action of this book by Jurga Ivanauskaitė takes place in three different periods, the book is about three different characters: Victoria and her love for the priest who now lives, Mary Victoria and her love for the saint who lived in the Middle Ages, and Mary and her love for Jesus Christ. What is the name of the book?

In the Lithuanian writer’s tale “Three Beloveds”, the mercenary attracts three women, a hostess and two daughters at the same time. Some critics also saw autobiographical motifs in this story.
Who is the author of this story?

Horse (…) Love ”is the first book in the popular series of fairy tales for children by Vytautas V. Landsbergis. What name is omitted from the title of the book?

“No, I did not love you / I did not pour for you, I queued / heated, I did not dream you, forgive me, not you …” This song was performed by a group called by the letter (but not the Lithuanian alphabet), whose vocalist Principal continues his solo career. What’s the name of the group?

What is the name of the Lithuanian city where you can walk through Love Alley? This is the official name of the street. Officially, the alley got its name only after the restoration of Independence, but the townspeople called it, the usual place for appointments and walks, so often already in the interwar period.

According to the fluidity of the interwar period, in 1927. The poet Salomėja Nėris was sent to Panevėžys to work as a teacher after the intervention of President Antanas Smetonas, so the president reacted to the conversations about the love story between the then student S.Nėris and her teacher. Who was this teacher, the founder of ELTA?

You passed two-thirds of the quiz! The topic of questions 31-45 will be SIGNATORIES. You will see question 31 below.

Which Lithuanian name was the most common among the signers? Of the 20 signatories of the Law of February 16, 4 had the name.

The name of the signer of this Law of February 16 was in line with his political opinions. And what was his name

In 1886, when the signatory Jonas Smilgevičius was only 16 years old, he was surprised by the events in a nearby village: here the Cossacks sent by the Tsar’s government brutally expelled the people who had protected the village church from demolition, many defenders of the church were killed or deported to Siberia. What was the name of the town where it all took place?

The word “Smetona” is not only the name of the signer, but also a former foreigner. What word, according to VLKK, should be used instead of this word now?

Kazys Bizauskas had many years on the day of signing the Act of Independence, The youngest signatory of the act?
