30 years ago, Iceland recognized the independence of Lithuania – Vytautas Landsbergis recalled a special letter


“It is not only a day of gratitude for our sister Iceland, a brave sister who was the first and one of those who opposed the terrible dictatorship in Moscow, but also a day of teaching. The position of the leaders of Iceland was overtaking the attitude of the leaders of many large states, “said Professor V. Landsbergis at the press conference.

Lithuania took over from Iceland

Signatory E. Zingeris noted that now Lithuania appears to have learned from Iceland and assumed its role, especially with regard to Belarus.

Emanuel zinger

“Sometimes there will come a time when people will rebel, even in countries where it is customary to have a dictatorship: Minsk, Moscow. We believe that the murder of my friend, who not only sat with me and with Professor Boris Nemtsov, the attempt from the assassination of Alexei Navalna and his current incarceration, the presence of many political prisoners in the prisons led us to assume the moral imperative of Iceland, “the press conference said E. Zingeris.

V. Landsbergis also cited the idea of ​​the then Icelandic Foreign Minister John Baldvin Hannibalsson:

“I was horrified by the sermons of Western leaders to the enslaved nations that they must accept the situation so that the West can enjoy peace and stability.”

People offered to make connections for themselves.

Professor V. Landsbergis recalls that there was no attempt to roam the world and seek support. The deputies themselves, advisers to the Supreme Council, proposed establishing relations with foreign countries. Intended to popularize the news about Lithuania.

Vytautas Landsbergis

“Many people who work for independence had friends in different countries. Communicating with them, thoughts arose. Arthur Bogdan had an idea about Iceland <...> While in Norway, he began communicating with Nordic politicians on the Lithuanian issue.

A deputy spoke French and offered to take the letter to France. We didn’t have to go around the world and search. The people themselves volunteered to make connections, pass on a message, and a letter.

Hence the letter signed by Juozas Urbšis to the President of France for my eternal rest. At first he reacted negatively to the independence of Lithuania, two weeks later he became our friend “, recalled V. Landsbergis.

According to the professor, the motto is “For our freedom and yours!” has had and continues to be of utmost importance:

“The motto” For our freedom and yours “is real. We fight for American freedom, albeit spiritual.”

You can see the full press conference here:
