The teacher warns entrepreneurs who want to resume their activities: there are only two ways to work safely


“One of the main things about all of our people who provide services, be it a doctor, a teacher, a hairdresser or a beauty specialist, is to protect our clients, to create the conditions for them to be safe. Those conditions include not only wearing protective gear, keeping distances, ventilation, but also making sure that we and I, as a doctor, hairdresser or teacher, do not transmit the infection to others. ” Delphi said L. Griškevičius.

According to him, a safe environment can be guaranteed in two ways: vaccination and testing.

“We would ensure the safety of our patients and companies by testing our own clients. Going back to work for us doctors, and now there should be sales representatives, it’s completely natural. I only check to see if I am infected with the virus and I cannot infect my clients, ”said the professor.

L. Griškevičius pointed out that this is especially important, because it is not even possible to perform some services with the security measures. Therefore, the doctor stressed, companies must behave responsibly.

“You provide services and you, instead of giving a service and making it healthier and more beautiful, you infect it. Is this normal here? – It’s abnormal in my eyes. It should become a routine of a responsible business – how hygiene, so you have to do tests so that you do not infect your client and he does not bring that infection home, he infects your loved ones. This is absolutely natural, ”said the VU professor once again.

Also, as he pointed out, the state allows employers and employees to go free and safe.

At the same time, L. Griškevičius pointed out that the tests will help companies that are renewing their activities to survive.

“If I don’t want to be told that there is a fireplace in the living room, then I have to make an effort to save my business. If I bring an infection, there will be a fireplace in my living room and I will infect my other colleagues, it is natural for that business to stop. And how do I get my clients back? It is not a burden here, but a natural part of our lives at this stage. We have to protect each other, “said the hematologist.

On Friday, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė responded to concerns expressed by business representatives to LRT Radio that the call for testing before resuming activities is a burden.

According to her, the impact of COVID-19 infection on human health and life is now greater on a daily basis than during the first quarantine.

It was seconded by L. Griškevičius, who urged not to forget what the morbidity statistics were in the spring.

“During the first wave, we had a dozen, a dozen cases a day and it was a tragedy. People forget, a month and a half ago we had almost 1,300 cases for every 100,000. population or we had more than 4 thousand per day. cases. We now have a few hundred cases a day. They are completely incomparable things, the infection is widespread in society ”, emphasized the VU professor.

According to him, although the wave of the pandemic has subsided, to continue this trend, it is necessary not only to apply protective measures, but also to control, test, track cases and, in addition, continue vaccination.

According to the doctor, we can see examples of some states that are handling the epidemic well.

“There are countries that adhere to this – such as Finland, Norway, now Germany, the Netherlands and the like, where society is much more adherent to all these measures and does not have many cases – they can function normally. It depends on us, on our desire to test and protect ourselves and our environment, including our customers, ”emphasized L. Griškevičius.

Finally, he stressed that we have to act, vaccinate and carry out tests to avoid a third wave of pandemics.

“If we start to do what we want now – get together, not observe anything and not test yet, as if there is an aggravation here, it will be the same as in all the countries where they relaxed without any measures.” (…) These are the examples of Portugal and the United Kingdom. They allowed it and how did it all end? This is the job of all of us ”, added the professor.

Dalia Matukienė, president of the Council of Small and Medium Enterprises, told LRT Radio on Friday that she was skeptical about the free preventive tests proposed for the business community, because according to her, entrepreneurs have taken all protective measures, they are ready to operate safely and have confidence.

“The company is ready to open and work safely, it has masks and everything else. Now, somehow, it has been invented that we have to make it even more difficult and do the tests,” said D. Matukienė to the radio program LRT “Morning Sounds”.

For her part, Prime Minister I. Šimonytė wrote on Facebook that although the acceleration of the coronavirus pandemic in the country is slowing and the numbers are constantly falling, “it does not relieve us of our responsibility to others.” In this way, he reacted to criticism from business representatives that the recommendation to get tested for the coronavirus before returning to work is a burden.

Povilas Poderskis, director of the Vilnius City Municipality Administration, also asked employees who plan to return to work for a coronavirus test when quarantine restrictions were released on Monday.

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