Trade Association: SAM has included commercial sector workers in the vaccination queue


“Currently, there is no possibility of private vaccination, so we are very happy that SAM representatives took into account our request, the arguments presented and included the retail sector employees in the vaccination queue. We can expect the sales staff to receive important vaccines as soon as possible, ”says Rūta Vainienė, director of the association.

According to the report, on January 7 of this year, the association submitted a request to SAM with a request to adjust the vaccination priority list and add it to the retail staff. In the past, the priority list included not only personal health workers, but also education system personnel, soldiers, Olympians, but did not include retail workers.

“In the face of a pandemic, commercial workers really have a vital role to play in society: they make sure they have the right products. All commercial companies have invested the most in security measures, but commercial employees communicate with a large number of people every day, so a certain tension persists, ”says R. Vainienė.

According to members of the association, many employees wait for vaccinations and agree to be vaccinated. At the same time, however, it is understood that the low amount of available vaccine also temporarily results in a slower vaccination rate than desired. In turn, it is believed that commercial companies have continuously invested to ensure the safety of customers and employees since the beginning of the pandemic, so that the purchasing process is as safe as possible for both customers and employees.

In addition to necessary security measures, such as regulating customer flows and distances, continuous disinfection, customer and employee partitions, and security measures, merchants also conduct ongoing COVID-19 testing. to the employees. And to take care of their employees, some business companies have also insured them with additional health insurance or special insurance against COVID-19 disease.

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