“Peasants” presented the shadow government: it will be led by R. Karbauskis, S.Skvernelis is not among the alternative ministers


The following ministers will work as shadow ministers in the alternative government: health – Aurelijus Veryga, social security and labor – Tomas Tomilinas, finance – Valius Ąžuolas, home affairs – Guoda Burokienė, national defense – Dainius Gaižauskas, environment – Ligita Girskienė , education, science and sports – Eugenijus Jovaiša.

Also among the shadow ministers of the “peasants”: economy and innovation – Deividas Labanavičius, agriculture – Kęstutis Mažeika, energy – Arvydas Nekrošius, culture – Aušrinė Norkienė, foreign affairs – Giedrius Surplys, justice – Agnė Širinskienė, transport Arvydas Vaitkus.

The shadow government of the LVŽS was approved by the party council in December.

Explaining why S. Skvernelis was not appointed to the LVŽS shadow government post, R. Karbauskis explained that there is no conflict in this regard.

The former prime minister reportedly wanted the alternative cabinet to be more coalitional, made up of different opposition parties.

According to the leader of the “peasants”, this is completely impossible at this time. He mentioned that, for example, what will happen to the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party will only become clear after the election of its president.

“How much they will move in the direction of liberal views, how far they will be from the left is another question. They are not really prepared for that decision,” says R. Karbauskis.

At the same time, he said that the shadow governments are not coalition, that there are very few such examples in the world.

The president of LVŽS hopes that the efforts of S. Skvernelis will continue aimed at the unification of the opposition of the Seimas, which is very difficult.

According to R. Karbauskis, the fact that he became the shadow prime minister cannot be interpreted as a sign that he could become one in case of success in the 2024 Seimas elections.

The goal is to help the government

According to R. Karbauskis, the goal of the shadow government is to help the current government make fewer mistakes.

He said the cabinet led by them also made mistakes. The LVŽS leader emphasized that he wanted us to “hear each other better.”

“We are not really going to take a position to oppose because of the opposition, to spread propaganda messages. We have one goal in forming a shadow government: to help make fewer mistakes. The mistakes we made during the previous government and the ruling majority above, they make mistakes now and they probably always will.

No mistakes, no one creates anything. And judging from the coronavirus situation, those mistakes are inevitable because we do everything for the first time, we do many things for the first time. And we really want to hear each other better, “said the president of LVŽS and the shadow prime minister of the party.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Ramunas Karbauskis

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Ramunas Karbauskis

According to R. Karbauskis, the cabinet of ministers led by the current center-right coalition may request an expert evaluation from them.

The first meeting of the “peasant” shadow government is scheduled to discuss seven issues: from the approval of the Cabinet program, the adoption of a memorandum on the management of COVID-19 to the Supreme Administrative Court by order of the Minister of Education. , Science and Sports Jurgita Šiugždinienė interpellation proposal to Simon Gentville, Minister of the Environment.

15min photo / Simonas Gentvilas and Olga Vėbrienė

15min photo / Simonas Gentvilas and Olga Vėbrienė

It was decided to appeal to the court in connection with the aforementioned J.Šiugždinienė decision. The Minister of the Environment is expected to initiate an interpellation in the spring session of the Seimas, mainly due to the history with the Department of Environmental Protection and its head Olga Vėbriene. The support of other opposition parliamentary groups will also be sought.

Ongoing and new jobs in the program

According to the shadow Justice Minister A.Širinskienė, the LVŽS Government’s program is comprehensive.

According to her, she combines the jobs offered by the “peasants” according to the values ​​that the party cherishes: in the fields of health, education and the economy.

Photo by Lukas April / 15min / The government appeared in the shadow of LVŽS

Photo by Lukas April / 15min / The government appeared in the shadow of LVŽS

“While planning, we plan both the continuity of work (the same can be said about the idea of ​​increasing the child’s money) and we also plan work to reduce social exclusion, which is important to us, and its continuation. We also talk and we are talking about the continuity of work in the program, let’s say, the idea of ​​a state-owned bank has already been introduced and discussed in the initial provisions. There are certainly completely new works in the program, even more so when ministers who do not They are members of the Seimas and have joined our team, ”said A.Širinskienė.

Tips for coronavirus

At the first meeting, the shadow government of LVŽS also discussed a memorandum on managing the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in Lithuania.

It states that Lithuania has the strictest quarantine measures in the Baltic States, although according to data published by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Latvia currently has the highest incidence of coronavirus in the three Baltic States: 550.9 cases per 100,000. population, in Lithuania – 533.3 cases per 100 thousand. population, in Estonia – 518.1.

Ingrida Šimonytė’s memorandum to the Government contains eight proposals.

Photo by LRV / Ingrida Šimonytė

Photo by LRV / Ingrida Šimonytė

For example, it aims to create and maintain a level playing field and opportunity for small businesses to operate, just as there are opportunities for large retail businesses to operate.

In addition, clarify the decision-making process of the expert council, make it public and open to the public, to provide the public with clear information about who, when and where will have the opportunity to be vaccinated, to systematically address vaccination problems.

“The fact that vaccination is carried out recklessly and chaotically is demonstrated not only by the emerging non-transparent vaccination cases, but also by the fact that the order of the Minister of Health of prioritizing the vaccinated population has changed. three times in more than twenty days, “the memo said. projects.

The document also addresses the provision of comprehensive assistance to families who have lost income and are currently facing financial and / or health difficulties.

Photo by Lukas April / 15min / The government appeared in the shadow of LVŽS

Photo by Lukas April / 15min / The government appeared in the shadow of LVŽS

“Explain and provide the public with detailed information on the reasons for discrepancies in COVID-19 morbidity statistics and ensure that only reliable and accurate information on COVID-19 morbidity is made public,” is the latest government proposal in the shadow of LVSS to I. Cabinet of Šimonytė.

An alternative to rulers

In a press release issued before the first meeting of the Shadow Government, LVŽS President R. Karbauskis said that the party had formed an alternative cabinet of ministers in pursuit of the public welfare and continuity of work.

According to him, the shadow government presents its program as an alternative to the government cabinet program of the conservatives and liberals.

Photo by Lukas April / 15min / The government appeared in the shadow of LVŽS

Photo by Lukas April / 15min / The government appeared in the shadow of LVŽS

It is said to be the first shadow government in the country to work permanently, in accordance with the approved program and procedure rules.

“The shadow government program has been intensely developed in recent months and covers, as is mandatory for the government program, all areas of state life. Unlike the parties of the current ruling majority, LVŽS emphasizes the traditional family in its program, for which the state must provide all the necessary resources to develop and grow, study and work, be healthy and safe, and live in an environment cleansed. ”, R. Karbauskis explained.

Assured that the rulers were afraid

R. Karbauskis spoke about the fact that the “peasants” will form a shadow government immediately after the lost Seimas elections.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ramūnas Karbauskis

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Ramūnas Karbauskis

He resigned as a member of parliament in November I speak:

“We will form a shadow government, we will have a program for that government. Our government, I can guarantee you, will be much stronger than the government that will be real. In practice, they (the current rulers) are afraid of that.”
