Critics of the quarantine were quick to congratulate Brazil on the decisions it had not even made.


Brazil is one of the countries most affected by the coronavirus in the world. Currently, there are more than 742 thousand people infected with coronavirus in this country, almost 38.5 thousand died. people.

However, the country’s leader, Jair Bolsonaro, who rejected the coronavirus pandemic from the beginning and made scandalous statements, played down the threat posed by the virus, called for the quarantine measures to be lifted, and was in constant conflict with the WHO.

And as the statistical curves continued to show an increasing number of infections and deaths, the Brazilian president also assumed manipulation and threats. However, not those glorified by those who disapprove of quarantine and incite a variety of conspiracy theories about the supposedly non-existent virus or its threat.

What a lie

A message posted on the site on June 8 claims that Brazil has taken drastic measures. The message began to be widely shared by the participants of the infamous conspiracy theory group UNFOLLOW the recording received more than 240 actions and was watched by 112,000 people. facebook users.

“Brazil, which is leaving the WHO, will no longer publish statistics on coronavirus deaths because it does not correspond to reality,” said the headline.

“President Jair Bolsonaro is said to have ordered the Ministry of Health to take that step.” His actions were called authoritarianism by his opponents. Ž. Bolsonaro explained his actions on Twitter: according to him, this is not a coronavirus, it is only the flu, and the statistics published by the WHO do not correspond to reality “, the message itself is based on an article that criticizes Mr. Bolsonar at This issue of Tanazia notes that Bolsonaro has been criticized for his authoritarianism and irresponsible behavior during the pandemic.

One of the key statements really sounds similar to what the head of says: There was a storm in Brazil last week after the Ministry of Health announced it would stop publishing the total number of deaths and removed information from its site. website on statistics already collected on infections and deaths. This is said to have been done under pressure from Bolsonaro himself.

The data has been “redesigned” because “it does not reflect the current situation in the country,” the Brazilian president wrote on Twitter. Bolsonaro has shown that he is in control of the situation, minimizing the severity of the coronavirus and calling it a “mild flu”, and seeing that the increasing number of deaths in Brazil is insignificant because he says that death is “a destination for everyone”.

The page of the Ministry of Health has become inaccessible. It was operational again on Saturday, but the total number of confirmed cases and deaths was no longer there. There was no longer information about the cases investigated and the people who had recovered. The number of deaths reported Thursday was 1,473, 1005 on Friday and 904 on Saturday.

“An authoritarian, insensitive, inhuman and unethical attempt to make the dead invisible COVID-19 will not burn. We and Brazilian society will not forget them or the tragedy that happened in the country,” said Alberto Beltrame, President of the National Council of Secretaries of Health of the State of Brazil, in a statement.

The decision not to provide aggregated data has been strongly criticized by Brazilian society. Doctors, medical organizations and state governors called the move an attempt to control the information.

However, death statistics for individual regions continued to be released, it simply became more difficult to quantify to see the overall picture of the country. In addition, as early as Saturday, federal prosecutors announced the investigation and gave the interim minister of health 72 hours to explain the decision as a justification under the Brazilian constitution and the law that guarantees the right to information.

“Manipulation statistics are a maneuver used by totalitarian regimes. This trick will not release us from responsibility for the genocide that will eventually attack,” Supreme Court Justice Gilmar Mendes wrote on Twitter. It was the Supreme Court that ordered the Bolsonaro administration to resume publication of the general data. Finally, Brazilian doctors and the country’s main media channels partnered with the National Council of Health Secretaries (CONASS) to begin publishing the latest data on Brazil’s coronavirus.

The other two allegations of the alleged withdrawal of the United States and Brazil from the WHO are also false. In fact, both Bolsonaro and the President of the United States, Donald Trump, have made such threats, but they are not binding decisions, only threats.

“The United States left the WHO and we are working on it.” Either the WHO works without ideological bias, or we will, “Bolsonaro said.

However, Brazil is still a WHO member, and the United States has not withdrawn, at least for the time being, from WHO, either, although it has suspended funding for the organization, accusing it of favoring China.

In fact, Trump sent a letter to the WHO on May 19 establishing a 30-day ultimatum that, if the WHO did not comply with the requirements of the United States, the United States could suspend funds for the organization and withdraw from it.


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