The mayor of Šiauliai also reacted to the story of the punished walker: duty defeated humanity


The story of swimming coach Šiauliai M. Kasperavičius caused a real storm on social media. Train yours Facebook On his account, he shared a story about how, after taking a walk outside the city of Šiauliai, the police stopped him with headlights, put him in a car, took him to the border of Šiauliai city and imposed a fine on him. from 250 euros.

Politicians also got involved in the debate on the situation.


Participated in the challenge of walking

Hiker M. Kasperavičius, who was punished in the “Žinių radijo” program, says that he worked as a swimming coach before his quarantine. Since the sports clubs have been closed for about three months, M. Kasperavičius has been out of work during this time.

Your workplace has taken up the challenge of walking – walking as many steps as possible in a week. Seeing that he was far behind the awarded places, M. Kasperavičius decided to go to his hometown and visit his grandmother.

According to the hiker himself, it would have taken 57 km to reach the town.

“I got up at 6 in the morning and planned to arrive at 20 in the afternoon, spend the night and at the same time do a good job, go to the store, buy something for my grandmother,” said the coach. Žinių told the radio.

After 35 km. M. Kasperavičius was seen by a police team. After flipping his car, officers turned on the beacons and detained the hiker. The man says he initially thought he would just talk to officials, maybe he would get a warning, but it happened differently.

“I began to check the backpack: thermos, sneakers. He agreed with the walk. I told myself exactly where I was going, the direction, that I was not really lying, where I was going and for what purpose. I knew perfectly well that I was participating in a walking competition. Then, as they say, they were not lazy to see in the Records Center that a second person was registered with their grandmother. And all that was said, they were no longer involved in the debate: what kind of person is or has a disability. They were no longer interested in them, “says the Šiauliai resident.

The man was put into a police car, taken to the Šiauliai district and fined 250 euros.

The story sparked a considerable storm of outrage and thousands of people responded to the post on social media.


Mayor: Duty Defeated

The Mayor of Šiauliai Artūras Visockas also participated in the discussions. On Tuesday, the mayor said he believed police officers had broken the stick on the news radio. However, the mayor sees the problem elsewhere.

According to A. Visockas, the legal act itself is inaccurate, leaving much room for interpretations and the humanity factor.

According to the mayor, there is a shopping center in Šiauliai, to which you have to cross the street. The shopping center is located in the Šiauliai district municipality, so all Šiauliai residents who cross the street into the shopping center are theoretically also criminals.

However, as the mayor says, no neighbor has been penalized for this.

“This legislation does not work at all in the municipalities of the ring and the police are in a very difficult situation: how much human, how much to be legal,” says A. Visock.

In the opinion of the mayor of Šiauliai, in the case of coach M. Kasperavičius, the humanity factor was defeated.

“It just came to our attention then. And we cannot blame the police officers in particular, and justice will be determined by the court. There are already loads of cases of this type in the courts. In other words, that inadequate legislation is already in place. forming a very large mountain in the courts.

Police decisions are likely to change in court. The police have done their job, the court will do its job; It costs the state a lot of money and that work is often excessive and demoralizing, ”said the mayor of Šiauliai.

Visock also says that with the proliferation of similar stories, more officials can be expected to resign.

“There are different people in the police. Some are more humane, some are more legal. Those who are more humane suffer. And if they are about to leave work, there will be times when they will leave work. This will deprive the police of the human part. This is a great danger “, shares the mayor.

According to the mayor, conflicts should not arise if the legislation is amended and clarified.

Watch the full News Radio program here:

Officials did not violate the law

Ramūnas Sarapas, the head of the Šiauliai County Police Chief’s Police Station (AVPK), stated in the Žini rad radijo program that the police officers reacted to the situation in accordance with the legal acts, so they did not commit any violation.

“It just came to our knowledge then. From the point of view of the chief of police, a police officer, there is legislation that today is not liked by everyone, but it is probably not even a question of Lithuania, but of the whole world, how can we follow certain unpopular rules to control the situation, the pandemic and return to normal life ”, – spoke R. Sarapas on the program.

The director of Šiauliai AVPK admits that there may be other solutions.

“In a human sense, it can probably be said that there are ways to make those decisions, we can do the opposite even when it is not written in the law. However, on the other hand, the official follows the legal acts, which he must follow, ”said R. Sarapas.

The portal recalls that the quarantine regime is currently in force in the country. During the quarantine, cafes, bars and restaurants, sports clubs, cinemas, spectators at sporting events, restricted lessons in schools, movement between municipalities are prohibited.
