Marius Repšys on the insidious mental illness he was diagnosed with: there are two phases: manic ascension and depression


The actor participated in a special LNK program “KK2 Friday” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the emotional support service “Youth Line,” according to the press release.

“I may look like a healthy man at the height of strength, but before I couldn’t control the disease. Now I have it under control, with medications, with the help of a doctor. No one is protected, no one is insured, not the president, not the actor, not the presenter, it can happen to anyone. It was a shock for me to be lying in a mental hospital. But at the same time, I knew myself from the disease. I am in control of the disease at the moment and I hope everything is normal. I think I am one of the most successful fruits of the work of doctors, “said the actor.

M. Repšys speaks openly about his illness so that as many people as possible are not ashamed of their illness, but rather take control of their illness and that mental health is not stigmatized in society.

“Hello, I am Hercules. And I am bipolar. My life is like a high-speed train. One of its stops is the sky, the other is the abyss. One day is full of euphoric victories and great aspirations. The other is relieved by the sadness, running away from dreams, wanting to hide from everyone in a dark room or cover your head with a blanket Distrust of oneself settles in every cell of the body, and horrible thoughts arise in the mind about the fact that it is better not be at all “, – it is written in the book by M. Repšis” Hercules No. 4 “.

“I hope that book has helped other people to accept the disease. We learn chemistry, physics, history, but we don’t learn spiritual education, elementary psychological things that could help in life. Mental illness is not a verdict. There are many ways to get out of that, ”says Marius.

The Youth Line also provides instant emotional support, whose volunteers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. One of the most common talking points on the Youth Line is mental illness and how to live with it.

Psychologist Valija Šap, who also participated in a special LNK television show, says that the caller on the line usually improves just from conversation.

“When you share what is important to you and what hurts you, it is always easier. However, this is only instant help that day, if the difficulties are long-term or a suicidal process, professional help should be sought.

The Youth Line and its volunteers play the role of guardians, but they recommend continuing to apply so that they no longer have suicidal thoughts to know where to go ”, says the psychologist.

Marius Repšys also talks about the meaning of the work of the Youth Line volunteers: “People sacrifice and sacrifice their time, their precious time, to help another person, not one or two have saved many lives. They undergo serious training, must meet certain requirements, and only then can they pick up the handset. It is much more important than playing or singing, I apologize to everyone here, “said the actor during the filming of the show.

“They do it for free and sit at night. I lean my head against them and press the right, ”said M. Repšys.

The youth support organization Jaunimo linija has been listening and listening to people seeking help for 30 years, 24 hours a day, continuously. The organization survives on private and business donations, it is already possible to donate short numbers 1402 (3 euros) 1485 (5 euros), and a larger amount –

A special “KK2 Friday” show dedicated to the “Youth Line” is now available on Friday at 7.30 pm, via LNK.

Help lines:
Calls to all lines are paid by the Ministry of Social Affairs from the state budget.
Emotional support online
The Crisis Management Center (Antakalnio St. 97, Vilnius, has mental health specialists on call, whom you can consult upon arrival or via Skype without prior registration and free of charge. On-call psychologists will be available Monday through Friday from 4 pm to 8 pm, Saturday from 12 pm to 4 pm. Working hours: I, III, V 16.00–20.00 All additional information – on the page Assistance to relatives of suicides: self-help group, frequently asked questions, literature and other useful information on the artimiems website. lt Division of Crisis Intervention for Children and Adolescents. Open 24 hours. (8-5) 275 75 64.

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