The government has allowed hairdressers to open from next week and some shops –


The government decided on Wednesday to allow the opening of non-food stores and hair and beauty salons with separate entrances starting next week.

Shops and hairdressers and other personal service providers must cover an area of ​​20 square meters. If the area is smaller, only one customer can be served at a time.

“Today, our task is to move forward from a certain point of view and see how we will achieve it,” said Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė.

The doors will be open to those stores with a sales area that does not exceed 300 square meters and that have “a direct entrance from the outside or a separate entrance used only by the customers of that store.”

Rūta Vainienė, director of the Lithuanian Business Enterprise Association, asked to increase the limit of the business area to 500 square meters, but the government rejected this proposal.

The government has also allowed non-food trade to take place outdoors from temporary commercial facilities.

Movement and assembly restrictions are not modified by government decree.

Hairdressers, beauty salons and most non-food stores in Lithuania have been closed since December 16.

Authors: Paulius Viluckas, Vaidotas Beniušis

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