Daiva after cancer treatment: “There are still chemotherapy complications, I can’t feel my fingers and toes” | Lifetime


Thus began his journey not only to healing, but also to emotional and physical difficulties. Today it is open: it has found complexes that have been overcome with the help of a psychologist and the support of loved ones.

Changes in appearance have become challenging.

This is the fifth and final story of the project, in which Lithuanian women together with a team of professionals revealed a different side of femininity: their images illustrated five issues relevant to people with cancer, sending a message that people with This disease is not alone.

Non-recognition of the disease, weight control, loss of physical capacity, changes in appearance (lack of self-confidence), decreased need for sexual energy and intimacy are the realities of women with cancer that the creators of the project wanted to show.

Daiva reflected changes in appearance and a lack of self-confidence in the project. At the beginning of the treatment, according to the interlocutor, due to hair loss, he was embarrassed to appear in public and found complexes.

“The hair was lost after the first chemotherapy procedure. I was expecting that, so I started looking for wigs before the treatment. The hardest part was overcoming the doubts and looks of others. The small town, everyone knows it. It was a challenge to show myself to others, I didn’t even go home for the first few weeks. I thought everyone would look at me, “said Daiva.

It seemed to me that everyone would look at me.

It was this project, according to Daiva, that led to a lack of focus on others and a return to self-confidence. And he decided to participate here impulsively: “I really like to travel, so I liked the image of my free time, colorful and without obstacles.”

According to the stylist Tatjana Chayeuskaya, the main objective in creating the image of Daiva was to convey to women the message that when a hair is temporarily lost due to an oncological disease, the true natural beauty of women does not disappear. All you need to do is reveal it, highlight it in an individual style, and choose the most appropriate stylistic solutions.

The natural beauty of a woman does not disappear anywhere.

“We wear a turban because today it is a fashion item. The first image consisted of a velvet jacket and a turban, and the second image used elements of oriental style, since Daiva likes to travel, “said the stylist.

Photo by Andrei Raminski / Daiva

Photo by Andrei Raminski / Daiva

The severe treatment left traces

A woman who worked as a community nurse with two children and two grandchildren says she did not feel any symptoms of illness and blamed work, age, and weight for high fatigue.

There have been no cases of cancer in the family, so I didn’t think about it at all.

“There have been no cases of cancer in the family, so I didn’t think about it at all.” Unhurriedly, I enrolled in the study under the prevention program. The diagnosis, of course, changed all plans and goals. The treatment affected both emotionally and physically, “said Daiva.

Hormonal drugs were prescribed immediately, followed by surgery, chemotherapy procedures were started in Daiva one month later, and then radiation therapy was performed 25 times.

“The treatment hurt, now I am treating its consequences with physiotherapy and massages. I had neither the strength nor the health, I needed a psychologist because there were internal contradictions, the desire not to be treated was bad, I slept all day. There are still complications from chemotherapy. I don’t feel my fingers and toes, “Daiva said.

According to the woman, a man with cancer is immediately pushed into a very difficult situation, both emotionally and physically and even financially. There are no more forces to work, so we have to wait for the support of several hundred euros. But the most terrifying thing is that nobody depends on the sick anymore.

Photo by Andrei Raminski / Daiva

Photo by Andrei Raminski / Daiva

The worst thing is that nobody depends on the patient anymore.

“You seem to be working, making money, traveling in Lithuania, planning to see other countries, and suddenly your whole life stops, you no longer have the strength to even look at yourself in the mirror. It so happened that the man who worked as a driver was injured at the time, so he was home with me, we supported each other and greeted us together. Cancer diagnosis also involves the people closest to us, it changes everyone’s daily life, “he said.

Daiva, who is currently undergoing physical therapy procedures, is full of hope and the disease is under control. At the moment, the most important thing is to find the strength to strengthen and live only with positive thoughts. The interviewee says that when he learns of the cancer diagnosis, he should not be afraid and let his family members receive help; Your support is very important and necessary:

“I am very grateful to my family, friends, coworkers, and the creators of this project who sincerely cared for, decorated, and inspired us.”
