A. Armonaitė: A generous subsidy is being considered for the self-employed Business


The first measures of the new business support package were launched in Lithuania on January 20: 150 million LTL. It is planned to divide 30 million euros and EUR in soft loans. The Ministry of Economy and Innovation plans to add four more measures to these measures, two of which have already been approved and two that the Government plans to consider in the near future.

A.Armonaitė stated that it is planned to provide an additional subsidy to individuals undertaking individual activities, who currently receive a 260 euro benefit from the Employment Service. The Government will consider the possibility of this subsidy in the near future.

“The employment service pays a monthly allowance of 260, but we all understand that it is not money that can be lived without savings,” said the minister.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

It is expected to link the amount of the new subsidy to the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) paid in 2019. The minister revealed that the amount of the benefit would reach 100%. paid taxes.

“It will be a generous amount if the taxes have been paid. But the best support would be the opportunity to act when the situation is better, “said A. Armonaitė.

Another measure that the Government plans to approve are subsidies to the most affected companies, whose turnover has fallen by 60%. and more.

Employees will be able to take tests starting next week.

Other measures that should be shared in the near future include a market tax rebate of € 300 and an employee test compensation already approved by the government to expand the ability of companies to evaluate their employees. The state will reimburse the cost of 12 euros for rapid tests, which cost between 15 and 16 euros.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Mobile coronavirus checkpoint

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Mobile coronavirus checkpoint

A. Armonaitė mentioned that companies will be able to start testing employees with state aid from next week.

Meanwhile, members of the Seimas Committee on Budget and Finance and Economy raised the question of why the government will compensate the market rent, but not refund the rent to other companies.

Representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation argued that the rent compensation measure raised several doubts about transparency, for which other measures were considered.

“As you said, 35 million. 10 million euros The Vice Minister of Economy and Innovation, Vincas Jurgutis, responded to the members of the Seimas and added that for this reason another measure was chosen: subsidies for those most affected.

Business grants are creeping in

The new package of business aid was launched on January 20, with 150 million euros earmarked for the first phase. 30 million euros in grants. EUR in soft loans.

To a subsidy of up to 25 percent. Small and medium-sized businesses whose turnover fell by more than 30% due to the COVID-19 pandemic are eligible for the Personal Income Tax (PIT) paid by the company in 2019. income.

After announcing the start of the support, the Minister of Economy and Innovation A. Armonaitė promised that the subsidies will reach independent companies within approximately 10 to 14 days from the submission of the application. Still, as he wrote 15 minutes, the distribution of aid has become difficult, more than two weeks later, of the 150 million planned. Only 2.1 million euros were distributed. euros.

On Wednesday, the minister noted that applications for grants for 40 million are currently being submitted. 14.63 million euros have already been disbursed. euros. A. Armonaitė stated that the distribution of the aid takes longer than in the spring, when the subsidy was granted only to micro-enterprises, because now not only small enterprises are supported but also large ones.

Photo from 123RF.com/Money (associated photo)

Photo from 123RF.com/Money (associated photo)

During the session, Minister A.Armonaitė received a letter from the members of the Seimas about the different communication from the members of the Government and the unreasonable business expectations.

Last Monday, the government hinted that it intended to consider waivers from the restrictions on beauty services and merchants, but then postponed the issue for next week. This caused great business dissatisfaction.
