Quite about quarantine relaxation: some sayings are unfounded


Manicure teacher Olga stated on the TV3 program “Karštai su tv3.lt” that the business is dying and the beauty specialists no longer know what to do.

“Our business is dying, we have to bury our business. I don’t know what kind of “Barbora” I should go to work for now? “Olga asked rhetorically.

Vilnius beauty specialist Jolita raises 4 children and says it is not possible to earn a living on € 257.

“What you get is not enough to pay taxes, study fees or put bread on the table,” said a beauty salon employee.

Linas Slušnys, a member of the Seimas Health Committee, affirms that after the opening of an area, other sectors may begin to demand the resumption of their activities.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I really have no doubt that hairdressers and anyone else could work in theory, but we started talking about a branch, it will immediately be located next to 5, which will say” I can too, now they are working, let us know, “in TV3. Hot with tv3.lt”, said Linas Slušnys.

In addition, according to L. Slušnis, a person spends a lot of time in a hairdresser, which is enough to catch or transmit the coronavirus.

“It just came to our knowledge then. If it has been and the virus is carrying it, that person can infect those around them and things like that,” the committee member explained.

According to former Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga, risks in the beauty services sector have yet to be reviewed, but small shops that have a separate entrance from the outside should operate.

“A small store that has an entrance from the outside, how is it different from a grocery store in a large supermarket where a lot of people gather? This is the saying that people will bypass 10 stores and have a better chance of getting infected than going to a large grocery store, there is no basis for anything, ”said Aurelijus Veryga.

In his opinion, it is not necessary to open everything at once or destroy the quarantine.

“Remember, and we came out of that first quarantine for a long time, there really were these discussions ‘why us, why not them, why is it like this and why not’. But it is a process and it will not be the case that one takes a day and turns everything around, ”said the former Minister of Health.

According to L. Slušnis, a member of the Health Committee, the quarantine mitigation plan is being undermined by virus mutations that are also spreading in Lithuania.

“It turns out that there is a British variant of the virus that is very virulent and spreads faster. It is true that he was dug up very late and after a long time, which means that he is walking with us. We already have almost 3 Lithuanian versions, new virus mutations. Our scientific capacity is probably not enough to find out everything, perhaps our virus and mutation are even stronger and more powerful than the British one ”, explained L. Slušnys.

To find out what beauty professionals and small businesses are planning to do, see the report at the beginning of the article.

Watch the program “Hot with tv3.lt” every Monday at 19:30 on TV3 television.


The article was prepared according to the TV3 television program “Karštai su tv3.lt”.
